Hi Prahalad,

Changes are working fine.+1.
In test case please make jtreg comments as multiline comments and move them 
below copyright and above import statements for readability before pushing.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Graham 
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2016 1:42 AM
To: Prahalad Kumar Narayanan; 2d-dev@openjdk.java.net
Subject: Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [2D-Dev] Review Request: JDK-8015070: Antialiased 
text on translucent backgrounds gets bright artifacts

Thanks Prahalad,

Looks great - +1


On 5/2/2016 8:29 AM, Prahalad Kumar Narayanan wrote:
> Dear Jim & Everyone on Java2D Community
> First, thanks to Jim for every word in the feedback.
> Java is used by millions of devices and users. We cannot compromise on 
> quality.
> It 's through these reviews and iterations that we ensure a consistent 
> solution gets checked in.
> I 've incorporated the suggestions from last review and changes are available 
> in webrev.
> Review Link: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jdv/Prahalad/8015070/webrev.06/
> Quick Brief on Changes :
>     1.  The macros- Declare ## DST ## SrcOverDstBlendFactor and Store ## DST 
> ## SrcOverDstBlendFactor are removed.
>     2.  Their usage is now replaced with
>                  DeclareAlphaVarFor4ByteArgb : For declaring the blend factor
>                  SrcOver ## DST ## BlendFactor(dstF, dstA) : To return the 
> appropriate blend factor between dstF and dstA
>     3.  Most of the macro names contain image TYPE in the earlier part and 
> ForSTRATEGY at the end of the name.
>                  (Note: This is just an observation not a Thumb rule) Hence 
> SrcOver ## DST ## BlendFactor macro name is being used.
>     4.  As with every change in the native code, Internal automated build 
> system was used to ensure successful compilation across all platforms.
> Kindly review the changes and provide your opinion.
> Thank you
> Have a good day
> Prahalad N.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Graham
> Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 2:05 AM
> To: Prahalad Kumar Narayanan; 2d-dev@openjdk.java.net
> Subject: Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [2D-Dev] Review Request: JDK-8015070: 
> Antialiased text on translucent backgrounds gets bright artifacts
> Thanks Prahalad,
> First, the macro design issues for all of these LoopMacros.h et al files
> are pretty complex, so I apologize if this is a big learning step here
> and if the feedback can look like nit-picking at times.  But the system
> is complicated enough that we should take care to make sure the new work
> remains consistent to what is already there and to keep this complicated
> system maintainable in the long run.
> The only issue I have with the new macros is that Store*() naming
> convention is typically used when the macro itself does the assignment.
> In the case of the new Store*BlendFactor() macros, they simply return
> the value and the caller does the assignment, so the name is off.  This
> could be fixed either by moving "blendF" to an argument to the macro, or
> renaming it to one of the suggestions I gave earlier that don't imply
> assignment inside the macro.
> Another thing to consider is that the type of the blend factor is
> actually determined by the alpha blend token "STRATEGY", not by the
> image type.  Many of the alpha blend types are dependent on the image
> types being used, but it is not solely determined by the image type,
> sometimes it depends on the pair of src/dst image types.  In any case,
> the STRATEGY used for alpha blending is not directly tied to an image
> type.  Other alpha loop macros take a STRATEGY as an argument and invoke
> the proper alpha blending value declaration and manipulation macros with
> "For ## Strategy" macro name expansions.  But we are hard-coding
> "For4ByteArgb" in this particular macro, which means we are hard-coding
> the particular type of alpha math.  Since that determination is done by
> hard-coding in this macro and not by delegating to the image type, then
> it is inappropriate to ask the image-type-based macro to decide how to
> declare the blend factor.  If anything, we should use
> "DeclareAlphaVarFor4ByteArgb()" to declare the variable, not an
> image-based macro.  Note that the Declare() macros for the alpha math
> strategies take an argument called "VAR" so then you can assume that
> they've named the variable the same token that you supplied.
> My recommendation would be to delete the new Declare macros and replace
> their use in LoopMacros.h with a usage of the existing
> DeclareAlphaVarFor4ByteArgb() macro, and then I would move the resulting
> variable into the argument list for the Store ## BlendFactor macro and
> move the assignment part of the statement inside of the macro...
>                       ...jim
> On 4/27/16 6:37 AM, Prahalad Kumar Narayanan wrote:
>> Dear Jim and Everyone on Java2D Community
>> Good day to you.
>> First, Thanks to Jim for his feedback.
>> I 've incorporated his feedback in latest version of code and webrev link is 
>> shared below
>>         Webrev Link: 
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~aghaisas/prahalad/8015070/webrev.05/
>> Quick Description on Changes :
>> 1. Removing redundant code MultiplyAndStore4ByteArgbComps(res, resA, 
>>         The redundant code within if and else blocks of if ( mixValSrc != 
>> 0xff ) has been moved into block that does color blending.
>>         As Jim rightly said, the change would execute Multiply operation 
>> only if blending is required
>>         On the other hand, If resA reaches maximum value, the fast path is 
>> executed.
>> 2. Fast path execution
>>         The fast path that directly sets foreground color has been moved 
>> into else block after checking if ( resA != MaxValFor4ByteArgb )
>>         Conceptually, resA would be maximum only when glyphAlpha (mixValSrc) 
>> and srcAlpha are maximum.
>> 3. Isolated Declare and Store macros.
>>          A single macro DeclareAndInit... has been split into two macros 
>> Declare ## DST ## SrcOverDstBlendFactor and Store ## DST ## 
>> SrcOverDstBlendFactor.
>>          This would indeed address some compilers that do not allow 
>> declaration in the middle of the block.
>> 4. Other Relevant Information:
>>         The changes have been verified to build on all platforms through 
>> JPRT auto build system.
>>         Java2D benchmarks were run with the changes and no degradation on 
>> performance was seen compared to webrev.04
>>         Regression was run and no new regression failures have been 
>> introduced with the change.
>> 5. To reduce reviewer 's effort in review, code has been expanded with 
>> comments herewith.
>> #define GlyphListAABlend4ByteArgb(DST, GLYPH_PIXELS, PIXEL_INDEX, DST_PTR, \
>>                                   FG_PIXEL, PREFIX, SRC_PREFIX) \
>>     do { \
>>         DeclareAlphaVarFor4ByteArgb(resA) \
>>         DeclareCompVarsFor4ByteArgb(res) \
>>         jint mixValSrc = GLYPH_PIXELS[PIXEL_INDEX]; \
>>         if (mixValSrc) { \
>>             /* Evaluating srcAlpha component */ \
>>             if (mixValSrc != 0xff) { \
>>                 /* No-op. Retained to match reference as SRCOVER_MASK_FILL 
>> */ \
>>                 PromoteByteAlphaFor4ByteArgb(mixValSrc); \
>>                 /* Glyph mask determines visibility of the srcColor */ \
>>                 resA = MultiplyAlphaFor4ByteArgb(mixValSrc, SRC_PREFIX ## 
>> A); \
>>             } else { \
>>                 /* This is understood easier with floating point logic. */ \
>>                 /* 1.0f is max value used in floating point calculation */ \
>>                 /* (1.0f * srcA) gives srcA. Hence we directly consider */ \
>>                 /* srcA without Multiply with glyph mask. */ \
>>                 resA = SRC_PREFIX ## A; \
>>             } \
>>            /* Blending srcColor and dstColor */ \
>>             /* This is required only when resA(i.e., srcA) is not maximum */ 
>> \
>>             if (resA != MaxValFor4ByteArgb) { \
>>                 DeclareAndInvertAlphaVarFor4ByteArgb(dstF, resA) \
>>                 DeclareAndClearAlphaVarFor4ByteArgb(dstA) \
>>                 DeclareCompVarsFor4ByteArgb(dst) \
>>                 DeclareCompVarsFor4ByteArgb(tmp) \
>>                 /* Redundant statement moved from previous if -else block */ 
>> \
>>                 MultiplyAndStore4ByteArgbComps(res, resA, SRC_PREFIX); \
>>                 /* Based on the pixelFormat we could reduce calculations */ \
>>                 /* done to load the color and alpha components */ \
>>                 if (!(DST ## IsPremultiplied)) { \
>>                     Load ## DST ## To4ByteArgb(DST_PTR, pix, PIXEL_INDEX, \
>>                                                dstA, dstR, dstG, dstB); \
>>                     Store4ByteArgbCompsUsingOp(tmp, =, dst); \
>>                 } else { \
>>                     Declare ## DST ## AlphaLoadData(DstPix) \
>>                     jint pixelOffset = PIXEL_INDEX * (DST ## PixelStride); \
>>                     DST ## DataType *pixelAddress = PtrAddBytes(DST_PTR, \
>> pixelOffset); \
>>                     /* The macro's implementation loads color components  */ 
>> \
>>                     /* without divide by alpha adjustment as required for */ 
>> \
>>                     /* subsequent calculations. Note: This is used only   */ 
>> \
>>                     /* with preMultiplied alpha based pixel formats */ \
>>                     LoadAlphaFrom ## DST ## For4ByteArgb(pixelAddress, \
>>                                                          DstPix, \
>>                                                          dst); \
>>                     Postload4ByteArgbFrom ## DST(pixelAddress, \
>>                                                  DstPix, \
>>                                                  tmp); \
>>                 } \
>>                 /* Avoid blending operatons if dst is fully transparent */ \
>>                 if (dstA) { \
>>                     Declare ## DST ## SrcOverDstBlendFactor(blendF) \
>>                     /* dstA would be 0 if either of the following is true.  
>> */ \
>>                     /* 1. srcA is max. Parent if condition validates this.  
>> */ \
>>                     /* 2. dstA is zero. The current if condition validates  
>> */ \
>>                     /* Henceforth, the following Multiply need not be moved 
>> */ \
>>                     /* ahead of the if condition. This also helps to better 
>> */ \
>>                     /* performance */ \
>>                     dstA = MultiplyAlphaFor4ByteArgb(dstF, dstA); \
>>                     resA += dstA; \
>>                     /* Declares blendF variable and assigns appropriate */ \
>>                     /* alpha value. The definitions are contained in the*/ \
>>                     /* header files of respective pixel formats */ \
>>                     blendF = Store ## DST ## SrcOverDstBlendFactor(dstF, \
>>                                                                    dstA); \
>>                     /* This is understood easier with floating point 
>> logic.*/ \
>>                     /* 1.0f is max value used in floating point 
>> calculation*/ \
>>                     /* (1.0f * tmp) gives tmp. Hence we avoid Multiply     
>> */ \
>>                     /* operation and directly add loaded color to result*/ \
>>                     if (blendF != MaxValFor4ByteArgb) { \
>>                         MultiplyAndStore4ByteArgbComps(tmp, \
>>                                                        blendF, \
>>                                                        tmp); \
>>                     } \
>>                     Store4ByteArgbCompsUsingOp(res, +=, tmp); \
>>                 } \
>>             } else { \
>>                 /* resA is maximum only when srcA and glyphAlpha are max   
>> */ \
>>                 /* Hence the fast path to store foreground pixel color and 
>> */ \
>>                 /* break to the next pixel. */ \
>>                 Store ## DST ## PixelData(DST_PTR, PIXEL_INDEX, \
>>                                           FG_PIXEL, PREFIX); \
>>                 break; \
>>             } \
>>             /* In the above calculations, color values are multiplied with 
>> */ \
>>             /* with alpha. This is perfectly fine for pre-Multiplied alpha 
>> */ \
>>             /* based pixel formats. For non pre-multiplied alpha based     
>> */ \
>>             /* pixel formats, the alpha is removed from color components   
>> */ \
>>             /* and then stored to the resulting color */ \
>>             if (!(DST ## IsOpaque) && \
>>                 !(DST ## IsPremultiplied) && resA && \
>>                 resA < MaxValFor4ByteArgb) \
>>             { \
>>                 DivideAndStore4ByteArgbComps(res, res, resA); \
>>             } \
>>             Store ## DST ## From4ByteArgbComps(DST_PTR, pix, \
>>                                                PIXEL_INDEX, res); \
>>         } \
>>     } while (0);
>> Kindly review the changes present in the webrev and provide your views.
>> Thank you once again for your effort in review
>> Have a great day
>> Prahalad N.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Jim Graham
>> Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 2:12 AM
>> To: Prahalad Kumar Narayanan; 2d-dev@openjdk.java.net
>> Subject: Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [2D-Dev] Review Request: JDK-8015070: 
>> Antialiased text on translucent backgrounds gets bright artifacts
>> Hi Prahalad,
>> One potential portability issue - you have a "DeclareAndInit" macro for the 
>> new "choose which blend factor" macro in the middle of a block.
>> Some C compilers allow declaring a new variable in the middle of a block, 
>> but not all.  Since it would be hard to move the declaration to the top of 
>> the block, since it depends on a value computed in the first couple of 
>> lines, it might be better to change it from a "DeclareAndInit"
>> style macro into a regular declaration, and a macro to get the value, so 
>> "jint blendF;" at the top of the block and "blendF = 
>> SrcOverDstBlendFactorFor ## DST(...);" in the middle of the block.  (Or name 
>> it "SrcOver ## DST ## BlendFactor(...)?"
>> I just noticed something about this .04 version of the function.  At the top 
>> you have a test for mixValSrc != 255 and then both clauses of the if 
>> statement end with essentially the same code, multiplying the source by the 
>> value in resA.  (The version in the else clause uses SRC_PREFIX ## A, but it 
>> could just as easily also use resA since they are the same value at that 
>> point.)
>> This means you could potentially move both "MultiplyAndStore" macros until 
>> after the if and use resA as the multiplier.  Now, if you look, the 
>> immediate next statement tests if resA is maxVal.  If it is maxVal, then you 
>> don't need to do that multiply at all, so the macro could be moved even 
>> further to be inside the "if (resA != maxVal)" block.
>> At that point, you could then reinstate the "else" on that if block and move 
>> the Store##DST##PixelData into that else, to save you another test of resA.  
>> This would essentially look like this:
>> if (mixValSrc != 255) {
>>      PromoteByteAlpha...;
>>      resA = MultiplyAlpha...;
>> } else {
>>      resA = SRC_PREFIX ## A;
>> }
>> if (resA != MaxVal) {
>>      Declare,declare,declare,declare...;
>>      Multiply...Comps(res, resA, SRC_PREFIX); } else {
>>      Store ## DST ## PixelData...;
>> }
>> It shortens the code a little, but I'm not sure if it would really help 
>> performance other than not having to do the test for maxVal twice.
>> Still, tests are fairly expensive in code like this so it could be worth a 
>> shot at testing, and it would simplify the code a bit in either case...
>>                      ...jim
>> On 4/15/16 12:25 AM, Prahalad Kumar Narayanan wrote:
>>> Hello Jim & Everyone on Java2D Community
>>> Good day to you.
>>> This is a review request and a follow-up to the bug-fix for the issue
>>> Bug     : JDK-8015070
>>> Link    : https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8015070
>>> Webrev Link :
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~psadhukhan/prahlad/8015070/webrev.04/
>>> Quick Inferences on Changes in Current -Webrev.04
>>> 1 ) Subtle changes to the blend loop-
>>>         . The subtle changes taken up, have helped to improve the 
>>> performance.
>>>         . With the current logic in webrev.04, Java2DBench reports better 
>>> performance than Un-Optimized solution that was present in webrev.00
>>>         . J2DBench was run for Font Styles { Plain, Bold, Italic, Bold n 
>>> Italic } and  Font Sizes { 12, 20, 36, 72 }
>>>         . My sincere thanks to Jim for all his detailed feedback through 
>>> the multiple reviews that has evolved the solution today.
>>> (Details on changes)
>>> 1.a.  Loading of Color components
>>>         . When modelled as per SRCOVER_MASK_FILL code, the logic required 
>>> few additional calculations to load color components.
>>>         . The extra calculations indeed impacted performance figures.
>>>         . This could be offset in  two possible ways
>>>                  a. Inspect parent macro- NAME_SOLID_DRAWGLYPHLISTAA and 
>>> advance by pixel address and not by pixel index.
>>>                              The parent macro invokes 
>>> GlyphListAABlendFourByteArgb through this macro- GlyphListAABlend ## 
>>> STRATEGY(DST, pixels, x, pPix, fgpixel, solidpix, src);
>>>                              Changing parent macro will cause spurious 
>>> changes across GlyphListAABlend ## other pixel formats.
>>>                              There is additional risk of breaking the 
>>> stable and well optimized  LoopMacros.h.
>>>                 b. Load color components based on pre-Multiplication status
>>>                              This has been taken up and change is limited 
>>> to the function being modified.
>>>                              Thankfully J2DBench has still reported 
>>> improvement in performance.
>>> 1.b.  New Macro to avoid if (DST ## IsPremultiplied) {
>>>         . A new macro- DeclareAndInit ## DST ## SrcOverMaskBlendFactor has 
>>> been introduced to choose between dstF, or dstA
>>>         . The implementation is available in the header files of pixel 
>>> formats ( Eg: IntArgb.h IntArgbPre.h )
>>>         . There are 29 different pixel formats known to Java2D, and
>>>                  . Hence, the new macro's implementation is added only to 
>>> those pixel formats that require the current glyph blending logic.
>>> 2 ) Testing across different formats
>>>          . The Regression test code has been modified to test anti-aliased 
>>> text rendering on 7 different pixel formats-
>>>                     . IntArgb, IntArgb_Pre, FourByteAbgr, FourByteAbgr_Pre, 
>>> IntRGB, IntBGR, 3ByteBGR.
>>>          . As expected, the test fails without the fix on JDK 8 and JDK 7 
>>> versions & passes with JDK 9-internal containing the fix.
>>> 3 ) Explanation on Code Changes :
>>>         . With multiple reviews and changes, today the code fixes the bug 
>>> and is well optimized as well.
>>>         . For ease of reviewer and effort in review, I 've explained the 
>>> logic with /* comment statements */ herewith.
>>>         . Note: These comments don't figure in the webrev.
>>>                        As one cannot guarantee how /* comments */ within 
>>> macros would be perceived by compiler across different platforms.
>>> #define GlyphListAABlend4ByteArgb(DST, GLYPH_PIXELS, PIXEL_INDEX, DST_PTR, \
>>>     do { \
>>>         DeclareAlphaVarFor4ByteArgb(resA) \
>>>         DeclareCompVarsFor4ByteArgb(res) \
>>>         jint mixValSrc = GLYPH_PIXELS[PIXEL_INDEX]; \
>>>         if (mixValSrc) { \
>>>             /* Evaluating srcColor components */ \
>>>             if (mixValSrc != 0xff) { \
>>>                 /* No-op. Retained to match reference as SRCOVER_MASK_FILL 
>>> */ \
>>>                 PromoteByteAlphaFor4ByteArgb(mixValSrc); \
>>>                 /* Glyph mask determines visibility of the srcColor */ \
>>>                 resA = MultiplyAlphaFor4ByteArgb(mixValSrc, SRC_PREFIX ## 
>>> A); \
>>>                 MultiplyAndStore4ByteArgbComps(res, resA, SRC_PREFIX); \
>>>             } else { \
>>>                 /* If mixValSrc and srcA are maximum, then result color is 
>>> */ \
>>>                 /* opaque. Hence the fast path to store foreground pixel   
>>> */ \
>>>                 /* color and return. */ \
>>>                 if (SRC_PREFIX ## A == MaxValFor4ByteArgb) { \
>>>                     Store ## DST ## PixelData(DST_PTR, PIXEL_INDEX, \
>>>                                               FG_PIXEL, PREFIX); \
>>>                     break; \
>>>                 } \
>>>                 /* This is understood easier with floating point logic. */ \
>>>                 /* 1.0f is max value used in floating point calculation */ \
>>>                 /* (1.0f * srcA) gives srcA. Hence we directly consider */ \
>>>                 /* srcA without Multiply with glyph mask. */ \
>>>                 resA = SRC_PREFIX ## A; \
>>>                 MultiplyAndStore4ByteArgbComps(res, \
>>>                                                SRC_PREFIX ## A, \
>>>                                                SRC_PREFIX); \
>>>             } \
>>>             /* Evaluating dstColor components */ \
>>>             /* This is required only when resA(i.e., srcA) is not maximum 
>>> */ \
>>>             if (resA != MaxValFor4ByteArgb) { \
>>>                 DeclareAndInvertAlphaVarFor4ByteArgb(dstF, resA) \
>>>                 DeclareAndClearAlphaVarFor4ByteArgb(dstA) \
>>>                 DeclareCompVarsFor4ByteArgb(dst) \
>>>                 DeclareCompVarsFor4ByteArgb(tmp) \
>>>                 /* Based on the pixelFormat we could reduce calculations */ 
>>> \
>>>                 /* done to load the color and alpha components */ \
>>>                 if (!(DST ## IsPremultiplied)) { \
>>>                     Load ## DST ## To4ByteArgb(DST_PTR, pix, PIXEL_INDEX, \
>>>                                                dstA, dstR, dstG, dstB); \
>>>                     Store4ByteArgbCompsUsingOp(tmp, =, dst); \
>>>                 } else { \
>>>                     Declare ## DST ## AlphaLoadData(DstPix) \
>>>                     jint pixelOffset = PIXEL_INDEX * (DST ## PixelStride); \
>>>                     DST ## DataType *pixelAddress = PtrAddBytes(DST_PTR, \
>>> pixelOffset); \
>>>                     /* The macro's implementation loads color components  
>>> */ \
>>>                     /* without divide by alpha adjustment as required for 
>>> */ \
>>>                     /* subsequent calculations. Note: This is used only   
>>> */ \
>>>                     /* with preMultiplied alpha based pixel formats */ \
>>>                     LoadAlphaFrom ## DST ## For4ByteArgb(pixelAddress, \
>>>                                                          DstPix, \
>>>                                                          dst); \
>>>                     Postload4ByteArgbFrom ## DST(pixelAddress, \
>>>                                                  DstPix, \
>>>                                                  tmp); \
>>>                 } \
>>>                 /* Avoid blending operatons if dst is fully transparent */ \
>>>                 if (dstA) { \
>>>                     /* dstA would be 0 if either of the following is true. 
>>> */ \
>>>                     /* 1. srcA is max. Parent if condition validates this. 
>>> */ \
>>>                     /* 2. dstA is zero. The current if condition validates 
>>> */ \
>>>                     /* Henceforth, the following Multiply need not be 
>>> moved*/ \
>>>                     /* ahead of the if condition. This also helps to 
>>> better*/ \
>>>                     /* performance */ \
>>>                     dstA = MultiplyAlphaFor4ByteArgb(dstF, dstA); \
>>>                     resA += dstA; \
>>>                     /* Declares blendF variable and assigns appropriate */ \
>>>                     /* alpha value. The definitions are contained in the*/ \
>>>                     /* header files of respective pixel formats */ \
>>>                     DeclareAndInit ## DST ## SrcOverDstBlendFactor(dstF, \
>>>                                                                    dstA, \
>>>                                                                    blendF); 
>>> \
>>>                     /* This is understood easier with floating point 
>>> logic.*/ \
>>>                     /* 1.0f is max value used in floating point 
>>> calculation*/ \
>>>                     /* (1.0f * tmp) gives tmp. Hence we avoid 3 Multiply   
>>> */ \
>>>                     /* operations and add the loaded color to result       
>>> */ \
>>>                     if (blendF != MaxValFor4ByteArgb) { \
>>>                         MultiplyAndStore4ByteArgbComps(tmp, \
>>>                                                        blendF, \
>>>                                                        tmp); \
>>>                     } \
>>>                     Store4ByteArgbCompsUsingOp(res, +=, tmp); \
>>>                 } \
>>>             } \
>>>             /* In the above calculations, color values are multiplied with 
>>> */ \
>>>             /* with alpha. This is perfectly fine for pre-Multiplied alpha 
>>> */ \
>>>             /* based pixel formats. For non pre-multiplied alpha based     
>>> */ \
>>>             /* pixel formats, the alpha is removed from color components   
>>> */ \
>>>             /* and then stored to the resulting color.  */ \
>>>             if (!(DST ## IsOpaque) && \
>>>                 !(DST ## IsPremultiplied) && resA && \
>>>                 resA < MaxValFor4ByteArgb) \
>>>             { \
>>>                 DivideAndStore4ByteArgbComps(res, res, resA); \
>>>             } \
>>>             Store ## DST ## From4ByteArgbComps(DST_PTR, pix, \
>>>                                                PIXEL_INDEX, res); \
>>>         } \
>>>     } while (0);
>>> My apologies if the above code did not appear on the final webrev email.
>>> ( In few instances, the newlines don't appear in plain-text format )
>>> Kindly review the changes present in webrev and provide your views.
>>> If the changes are good, we could take up for the code check-in.
>>> Thank you for your time in review
>>> Have a good day
>>> Prahalad N.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Jim Graham
>>> Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2016 3:07 AM
>>> To: Prahalad Kumar Narayanan; Sergey Bylokhov; Philip Race
>>> Cc: Praveen Srivastava
>>> Subject: Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [2D-Dev] Review Request: JDK-8015070:
>>> Antialiased text on translucent backgrounds gets bright artifacts
>>> Hi Prahalad,
>>> Can I see the webrev diffs for the "today's experiment" code with the new 
>>> macro?
>>> Also, Did you test this with opaque destinations?  The most common use
>>> of text is on an opaque destination, so that would matter more.  I
>>> would
>>> suggest: INT_RGB, THREE_BYTE_BGR, INT_ARGB, INT_ARGB_PRE in that order of 
>>> precedence of importance.  Also, test with translucent colors, though those 
>>> are less important than opaque colors.
>>> I'm still looking at why the non-pre would be slower than the pre.
>>> About the only difference is the one line "if (!PRE) { DSTF = DSTA; }".
>>>   One suggestion might be to move the test for transparent destination up a 
>>> couple of lines, and to get rid of the extra "DSTF = dstA"
>>> assignement with the following structure:
>>>     dstA = Mult...();
>>>     if (dstA) {
>>>         resA += dstA;
>>>         Declare...
>>>         Postload...
>>>         if (DST ## IsPremultiplied) {
>>>             MultiplyAndStore(..., DSTF, ...);
>>>         } else {
>>>             MultiplyAndStore(..., dstA, ...);
>>>         }
>>>         Store...
>>>     }
>>> Basically, dstA == 0 is the actual test for "do we need to even try to 
>>> blend the destination in here".  If it is zero then there is no need to add 
>>> dstA to resA and there is no need to adjust the factor we blend by 
>>> (MultiplyAndStore).  It can be triggered by either a transparent 
>>> destination pixel or an opaque source pixel, but either way, dstA is the 
>>> right test, not DSTF.  The second part, eliminating the DSTF=dstA 
>>> assignment, gets rid of a line that might trip up the optimizer by simply 
>>> having the macro expand differently for the two types.  To be even more 
>>> streamlined, we could create a new set of macros:
>>> // In the header files for PRE types:
>>> #define SRCOVER_DST_BLEND_FACTOR_<TYPE>(dF, dA)   (dF)
>>> // In the header files for non-PRE types:
>>> #define SRCOVER_DST_BLEND_FACTOR_<TYPE>(dF, dA)   (dA)
>>> Then we wouldn't need the test above for "if (DST ## Pre)", we would just 
>>> expand the macro with:
>>>     MultiplyAndStore(..., SRCOVER_DST_BLEND_FACTOR ## DST(DSTF, dstA), ...) 
>>> which would hopefully confuse the optimizer even less.
>>> If you want to really eliminate the pixel address computations, you could 
>>> rewrite the calling loop so that it steps along a pixel pointer rather than 
>>> using indexing.  Have the calling function/macro set up a pRas pointer to 
>>> the pixel and step that along the row by TYPE##PixelStride as it iterates 
>>> across the glyph, then hand that into the Glyph blend macro as DST_PTR (and 
>>> eliminate PIXEL_INDEX as it would be "0" in this case)...
>>>                     ...jim
>>> On 4/4/16 4:37 AM, Prahalad Kumar Narayanan wrote:
>>>> Dear Jim
>>>> Good day to you.
>>>> ( Just in-case, you had missed my long Friday 's email )
>>>> Quick Recap of Proceedings
>>>> 1.On Friday, I had profiled two solutions that fix the bug-
>>>> JDK-8015070, using Java2D Bench
>>>> 2.Profiling was done for 16 test cases with different combinations of
>>>> a.Font Style: Plain, Bold, Italic, Bold-Italic
>>>> b.Font Size: 12, 20, 36, 72
>>>> 3.Result from Friday 's profiling experiments:
>>>> a.Regular Solution (Un-optimized) : This was observed to be faster
>>>> for IntArgb pixel format
>>>> b.Optimized Solution (based on SrcOver_MaskFill with fast path) :
>>>> This was observed to be faster for IntArgb_Pre pixel format
>>>> Update from Today's Experiments
>>>> 1.First, I understood that new calculations introduced (pixelAddress
>>>> computation) impacted performance of optimized solution in IntArgb format.
>>>> 2.Henceforth, I made the following changes, while loading destination 
>>>> color:
>>>> a.Check if the pixel format is PreMultiplied
>>>> b.If the format is preMultiplied, then > take up new calculations and
>>>> use LoadAlphaFrom ## DST ## For4ByteArgb macro that does *Not* cause
>>>> divide by alpha adjustment
>>>> c.If the format is regular Argb, then > take up loading of colors
>>>> using standard Load ## DST ## To4ByteArgb
>>>> 3.Once the release build was available, Java2D Bench was re-run
>>>> (using pre-saved options file)
>>>> Result from Bench metrics:
>>>> a.In most of the test cases, the optimized solution has higher metric :
>>>> Avg characters/ second for both IntArgb and IntArgb_Pre formats
>>>> b.In 6 / total-16 test cases, optimized solution was marginally lower
>>>> than the metrics of Regular un-optimized algorithm (only for
>>>> IntArgb_Pre)
>>>> c.However, J2DAnalyzer reported that even these 6-test cases were
>>>> within 10% deviation. Hence the algorithms were categorized to be
>>>> 'same' in performance.
>>>> Suggestion Required
>>>> 1.The attached zip file, contains Algorithms.cpp - Which lists down
>>>> different algorithms profiled so far.
>>>> 2.I 've introduced comments within the macro to explain the change.
>>>> a.Note: These comments will be removed from the final source code to
>>>> be checked in.
>>>> 3.Kindly review the latest algorithm (for any issues/ bugs) and
>>>> provide your suggestions.
>>>> a.latest algorithm can be easily traced by searching for
>>>> "LoadOptimized Algorithm v3" within the file.
>>>> Thank you for your time in review & detailed feedback that you get
>>>> every time.
>>>> Every such review improves the quality of code & the solution
>>>> Prahalad N.
>>>> *From:* Prahalad Kumar Narayanan
>>>> *Sent:* Friday, April 01, 2016 5:07 PM
>>>> *To:* Jim Graham; Sergey Bylokhov; Philip Race
>>>> *Cc:* Praveen Srivastava
>>>> *Subject:* RE: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [2D-Dev] Review Request: JDK-8015070:
>>>> Antialiased text on translucent backgrounds gets bright artifacts
>>>> Dear Jim
>>>> Good day to you.
>>>> Thanks for your suggestions in the reviews that has evolved the fix
>>>> to the bug.
>>>> As guided by you, I measured the performance of Text Rendering with
>>>> Text Antialiasing Hint on using Java2D Bench Tool.
>>>> Solutions Profiled:
>>>>          We have two solutions - Un optimized solution and Optimized
>>>> solution modelled as per SRCOVER_MASKFILL
>>>>          ( Both the solutions were profiled on windows x86_64 with
>>>> JDK 9-internal Release build )
>>>> Test Cases Profiled:
>>>>          With Font set to : Lucida sans, different combinations of
>>>>               Font Styles : Plain, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic  &&
>>>>               Font Sizes   : 12, 20, 36, 72 points were tested.
>>>> Attached herewith: JDK8015070-Profiling Data.zip
>>>> The archive contains:
>>>>          1. Algorithms.cpp     : Just to have a quick glance of all the
>>>> algorithms that we have tried so far.
>>>>          2. *.txt Files               : For each test, Java2D bench
>>>> reports the average metrics/second.
>>>>                                                         The text file
>>>> contains collection of all such average metric for nearly 16
>>>> different test cases.
>>>>          3. res Output            : .res output from each of the test runs.
>>>> Observation from J2DBench Reports
>>>>          1.  I could not get time to run the Analyzer tool across
>>>> each of these *.res files. I shall do them on Monday.
>>>>          2.  From the summary text ( average chars per. Second ) that
>>>> J2DBench reported,
>>>>                      Un-optimized solution seems to be better for
>>>> IntArgb pixel format and
>>>>                      Optimized solution is better for IntArgb_Pre
>>>> pixel format by significant margin.
>>>>          3.  I tried to improve the optimized algorithm (based on
>>>> SRCOVER_MASKFILL ) further by adding a if (dstA) { ...
>>>>                      Though there is a marginal improvement, the
>>>> optimized solution could not exceed numbers of regular algorithm (for
>>>> IntArgb pixel format)
>>>>                      This could be due to the extra calculations that
>>>> we do in-order to load color components separately.
>>>>                      However, for IntArgb_Pre pixel format, the
>>>> optimized solution is way-ahead and gives better performance.
>>>>            4. In the summary reports, you will find
>>>> CompatibleBufferedImage( Translucent ) as well.
>>>>                      In a separate experiment, I found that the pixel
>>>> format for compatible buffered image got mapped IntArgb_Pre.
>>>>                      Thus, the performance numbers match with that of
>>>> IntArgb_Pre pixel format
>>>> At the present moment, I 'm confused on the solution would be better
>>>> to fix the Bug.
>>>> Kindly share your views and thoughts
>>>> Thank you
>>>> Have a good day
>>>> Prahalad N.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Jim Graham
>>>> Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2016 1:46 AM
>>>> To: Prahalad Kumar Narayanan; 2d-dev@openjdk.java.net
>>>> <mailto:2d-dev@openjdk.java.net>; Sergey Bylokhov
>>>> Subject: Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [2D-Dev] Review Request: JDK-8015070:
>>>> Antialiased text on translucent backgrounds gets bright artifacts
>>>> Hi Prahalad,
>>>> Benchmarks must run for a significant period of time to be valid.
>>>> Measuring with nanoTime() is fine, but the run times should exceed at
>>>> least a couple of seconds, not a few nanoseconds.  You might want to
>>>> use Java2DBench instead (in src/demo/share/java2d in the java.desktop
>>>> repo), which calibrates test times, does multiple runs, and includes
>>>> an analyzer to compare results from multiple test runs...
>>>>                                  ...jim
>>>> On 3/30/2016 4:27 AM, Prahalad Kumar Narayanan wrote:
>>>>> Hello Jim and Everyone on Java2D Group
>>>>> Good day to you.
>>>>> A quick follow-up to Review Request on bug:
>>>>>        Bug          : JDK-8015070
>>>>>        Bug Link :https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8015070
>>>>> Thank you Jim for the detailed feedback.
>>>>> It takes a lot of time not only in performing the review, but also in 
>>>>> getting the feedback with clear words.
>>>>> In each review, the solution definitely gets better & better. I 'm
>>>>> happy about it...! :)
>>>>> Quick Inferences from previous feedback:
>>>>> Incorporating the fast path into current logic:
>>>>>         1.  I agree with you on this point and I noticed this when we 
>>>>> modelled the solution as per the mask fill.
>>>>>         2.  I ignored it initially for two reasons,
>>>>>                       a.  The statement - if (resA != 
>>>>> MaxValFor4ByteArgb)...  follows srcColor pre-multiplication step and this 
>>>>> will ensure to skip most of the blending calculations pertaining to 
>>>>> destination.
>>>>>                       b.  Any addition / tweaks to current logic, might 
>>>>> deviate from the SRCOVER_MASKFILL reference model.
>>>>>                                Many a time, managing code with similar 
>>>>> logic across implementation helps a lot.
>>>>>        3.   As you said, including the fast path will avoid few 
>>>>> multiplications and if checks too.
>>>>>              The changes are available in the current webrev.
>>>>>                       Link:
>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~psadhukhan/prahlad/8015070/webrev.03/
>>>>> Profiling method, and Metrics:
>>>>>        1.  The profiling method that was done yesterday was mere
>>>>> execution of the regression test (available in the webrev) and time
>>>>> measured with System.currentTimeMillis API
>>>>>                        Since only one iteration was run, the time soared 
>>>>> into milli seconds. This could be due to internal glyph caching mechanism.
>>>>>        2.  Today, I evolved the regression test, into a benchmark that 
>>>>> does the following:
>>>>>                  a.  Select Font style : {Plain, Bold, Italic, Bold
>>>>> Italic}
>>>>>                  b.  Select Font size : {20, 40, 60, 80}
>>>>>                  c.  Trigger drawstring once before benchmark is run. 
>>>>> This is to ensure, the font subsystem is done with glyph caching 
>>>>> internally.
>>>>>                  d.  Use famous string that has all characters-" The 
>>>>> quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 0123456789. "
>>>>>                  e.  For every style-size combination - run the test
>>>>> for 20 iterations and take the average. (Note: Font is fixed to
>>>>> 'verdana' )
>>>>>                  f.  Modify the precision from System.currentTimeMillis 
>>>>> to System.nanoTime() and reduce elapsedTime to micro seconds.
>>>>>        3.  With the above setup in code, my observation on windows is as 
>>>>> follows:
>>>>>                  a.  In many cases, The optimized logic is either 
>>>>> equal-to (or) better in performance than the un-optimized logic.
>>>>>                               The difference is very minimal - few tens 
>>>>> to few hundreds of micro-seconds.
>>>>>                  b.  The optimized algorithm improves performance for 
>>>>> Pre-multiplied alpha based destination buffer.
>>>>>                  c.   There are occasional huge deviations where 
>>>>> optimized logic seems to take longer time.
>>>>>                               These could be due to external factors
>>>>> like- stalls for memory, bus io etc.,
>>>>>                               Since, the deviation is in micro seconds, I 
>>>>> believe, it may not be a concern.
>>>>>                  d.  The complete list of time measurement taken up
>>>>> on windows x86_64 release build is as-follows-
>>>>>                               I 'm not sure, how the data appears in the 
>>>>> final webrev-email.
>>>>>                               Kindly excuse, if the data is un-readable.
>>>>> Platform : Windows x86_64 Release Build Algorithm : Unoptimized.
>>>>> webrev.00
>>>>> ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````
>>>>> `
>>>>> `
>>>>> ```` Executing Bench For Image Type: IntArgb
>>>>>   -Font Style: Plain /Font Size: 20 /Time consumed (us): 84.742
>>>>>   -Font Style: Plain /Font Size: 40 /Time consumed (us): 318.395
>>>>>   -Font Style: Plain /Font Size: 60 /Time consumed (us): 657.474
>>>>>   -Font Style: Plain /Font Size: 80 /Time consumed (us): 813.079
>>>>>   -Font Style: Bold /Font Size: 20 /Time consumed (us): 386.380
>>>>>   -Font Style: Bold /Font Size: 40 /Time consumed (us): 339.301
>>>>>   -Font Style: Bold /Font Size: 60 /Time consumed (us): 492.631
>>>>>   -Font Style: Bold /Font Size: 80 /Time consumed (us): 625.812
>>>>>   -Font Style: Italic /Font Size: 20 /Time consumed (us): 235.059
>>>>>   -Font Style: Italic /Font Size: 40 /Time consumed (us): 320.180
>>>>>   -Font Style: Italic /Font Size: 60 /Time consumed (us): 474.558
>>>>>   -Font Style: Italic /Font Size: 80 /Time consumed (us): 1188.169
>>>>>   -Font Style: Bold-Italic /Font Size: 20 /Time consumed (us):
>>>>> 426.988
>>>>>   -Font Style: Bold-Italic /Font Size: 40 /Time consumed (us):
>>>>> 374.064
>>>>>   -Font Style: Bold-Italic /Font Size: 60 /Time consumed (us):
>>>>> 732.375
>>>>>   -Font Style: Bold-Italic /Font Size: 80 /Time consumed (us):
>>>>> 864.68
>>>>> Executing Bench For Image Type: IntArgb_Pre
>>>>>   -Font Style: Plain /Font Size: 20 /Time consumed (us): 129.768
>>>>>   -Font Style: Plain /Font Size: 40 /Time consumed (us): 206.299
>>>>>   -Font Style: Plain /Font Size: 60 /Time consumed (us): 249.941
>>>>>   -Font Style: Plain /Font Size: 80 /Time consumed (us): 362.372
>>>>>   -Font Style: Bold /Font Size: 20 /Time consumed (us): 145.096
>>>>>   -Font Style: Bold /Font Size: 40 /Time consumed (us): 151.589
>>>>>   -Font Style: Bold /Font Size: 60 /Time consumed (us): 240.972
>>>>>   -Font Style: Bold /Font Size: 80 /Time consumed (us): 331.894
>>>>>   -Font Style: Italic /Font Size: 20 /Time consumed (us): 95.028
>>>>>   -Font Style: Italic /Font Size: 40 /Time consumed (us): 245.300
>>>>>   -Font Style: Italic /Font Size: 60 /Time consumed (us): 270.379
>>>>>   -Font Style: Italic /Font Size: 80 /Time consumed (us): 398.139
>>>>>   -Font Style: Bold-Italic /Font Size: 20 /Time consumed (us):
>>>>> 93.243
>>>>>   -Font Style: Bold-Italic /Font Size: 40 /Time consumed (us):
>>>>> 475.406
>>>>>   -Font Style: Bold-Italic /Font Size: 60 /Time consumed (us):
>>>>> 280.085
>>>>>   -Font Style: Bold-Italic /Font Size: 80 /Time consumed (us):
>>>>> 357.486
>>>>> Platform : Windows x86_64 Release Build Algorithm : Optimized.
>>>>> webrev.03
>>>>> ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````
>>>>> `
>>>>> `
>>>>> ```` Executing Bench For Image Type: IntArgb
>>>>>   -Font Style: Plain /Font Size: 20 /Time consumed (us): 120.954
>>>>>   -Font Style: Plain /Font Size: 40 /Time consumed (us): 364.871
>>>>>   -Font Style: Plain /Font Size: 60 /Time consumed (us): 561.799
>>>>>   -Font Style: Plain /Font Size: 80 /Time consumed (us): 653.390
>>>>>   -Font Style: Bold /Font Size: 20 /Time consumed (us): 261.566
>>>>>   -Font Style: Bold /Font Size: 40 /Time consumed (us): 311.054
>>>>>   -Font Style: Bold /Font Size: 60 /Time consumed (us): 490.735
>>>>>   -Font Style: Bold /Font Size: 80 /Time consumed (us): 656.559
>>>>>   -Font Style: Italic /Font Size: 20 /Time consumed (us): 314.289
>>>>>   -Font Style: Italic /Font Size: 40 /Time consumed (us): 378.750
>>>>>   -Font Style: Italic /Font Size: 60 /Time consumed (us): 491.181
>>>>>   -Font Style: Italic /Font Size: 80 /Time consumed (us): 770.172
>>>>>   -Font Style: Bold-Italic /Font Size: 20 /Time consumed (us):
>>>>> 375.336
>>>>>   -Font Style: Bold-Italic /Font Size: 40 /Time consumed (us):
>>>>> 571.371
>>>>>   -Font Style: Bold-Italic /Font Size: 60 /Time consumed (us):
>>>>> 548.300
>>>>>   -Font Style: Bold-Italic /Font Size: 80 /Time consumed (us):
>>>>> 714.526
>>>>> Executing Bench For Image Type: IntArgb_Pre
>>>>>   -Font Style: Plain /Font Size: 20 /Time consumed (us): 45.026
>>>>>   -Font Style: Plain /Font Size: 40 /Time consumed (us): 219.016
>>>>>   -Font Style: Plain /Font Size: 60 /Time consumed (us): 279.617
>>>>>   -Font Style: Plain /Font Size: 80 /Time consumed (us): 282.829
>>>>>   -Font Style: Bold /Font Size: 20 /Time consumed (us): 51.809
>>>>>   -Font Style: Bold /Font Size: 40 /Time consumed (us): 117.563
>>>>>   -Font Style: Bold /Font Size: 60 /Time consumed (us): 508.049
>>>>>   -Font Style: Bold /Font Size: 80 /Time consumed (us): 402.802
>>>>>   -Font Style: Italic /Font Size: 20 /Time consumed (us): 79.320
>>>>>   -Font Style: Italic /Font Size: 40 /Time consumed (us): 227.473
>>>>>   -Font Style: Italic /Font Size: 60 /Time consumed (us): 330.488
>>>>>   -Font Style: Italic /Font Size: 80 /Time consumed (us): 353.782
>>>>>   -Font Style: Bold-Italic /Font Size: 20 /Time consumed (us):
>>>>> 54.687
>>>>>   -Font Style: Bold-Italic /Font Size: 40 /Time consumed (us):
>>>>> 235.505
>>>>>   -Font Style: Bold-Italic /Font Size: 60 /Time consumed (us):
>>>>> 227.205
>>>>>   -Font Style: Bold-Italic /Font Size: 80 /Time consumed (us):
>>>>> 324.308
>>>>> Updated webrev with changes for the fast-path :
>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~psadhukhan/prahlad/8015070/webrev.03/
>>>>> Kindly review and provide your suggestions.
>>>>> Thank you once again for detailed review and feedback Have a good
>>>>> day
>>>>> Prahalad N.
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Jim Graham
>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2016 2:46 AM
>>>>> To: Prahalad Kumar Narayanan;2d-dev@openjdk.java.net
>>>>> <mailto:2d-dev@openjdk.java.net>; Sergey Bylokhov
>>>>> Subject: Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [2D-Dev] Review Request: JDK-8015070:
>>>>> Antialiased text on translucent backgrounds gets bright artifacts
>>>>> Hi Prahalad,
>>>>> This latest version looks like it should produce correct answers.
>>>>> I'd like to see benchmark results on more platforms, particularly Windows 
>>>>> since the different compilers may optimize these things differently.
>>>>> Also, you didn't mention what data set you used for benchmarking.
>>>>> I'd
>>>>> like to see benchmark results for small, medium and large font
>>>>> sizes,
>>>>> and possibly bold and italic fonts as well.  The reason is that the
>>>>> relative ratios of "empty glyph pixels" to "partial glyph pixels" to
>>>>> "fully covered glyph pixels" changes depending on the font type and
>>>>> size so if you made one of those faster and another slower then the
>>>>> results may be seen as a gain in one type of test if you only test
>>>>> one
>>>>> font type and size and it happens to match the part of the code that
>>>>> is more streamlined.  Also, for small font sizes the per-glyph
>>>>> overhead might hide per-pixel issues.  Please share which fonts and
>>>>> sizes you used for testing and consider using some different sizes,
>>>>> including something very large like 36 or 48 points (something with
>>>>> large areas of opaque
>>>>> pixels) as well as more normal sizes that appear in GUIs.  Also, bold 
>>>>> fonts can have a higher percentage of opaque pixels.
>>>>> In particular...
>>>>> This latest version is missing the "fast path" from the existing code for 
>>>>> the case of srcA == 255 and glyphA == 255 where it just stores the 
>>>>> FG_PIXEL values directly.  For large fonts/glyphs that case may be as 
>>>>> important as detecting empty glyph pixels.
>>>>> On the other hand, an additional "if" may cause the compiler to generate 
>>>>> less efficient code as per Sergey's concern.  Since this "if" eliminates 
>>>>> some multiplies and possibly some divides, I'd hope it would be a win-win.
>>>>> You could add the fast path back inside the case where mixValSrc is 255 
>>>>> and just test srcA for 255 and do the Store ## DST ## PixelData() macro 
>>>>> that used to be at the end of the block in the existing code, and then 
>>>>> use "break;" to escape out of the do/while surrounding the whole macro so 
>>>>> it moves on to the next pixel.
>>>>> (Arguably, we might want to consider teaching our SRCOVER_MASKFILL
>>>>> to
>>>>> do the same thing.  I think that was one of the added values of
>>>>> having
>>>>> a separate GLYPH loop, but really both should be optimizing that
>>>>> case...)
>>>>> I can see now that the macro switch to use the same macro set as 
>>>>> SRCOVER_MASKFILL required you to compute the pixel address, as you noted 
>>>>> in your summary.  It makes the new macro more cumbersome and makes it 
>>>>> look like it's doing a bit more work per-pixel, but in reality I think 
>>>>> the overall operations end up being the same as long as the compiler 
>>>>> optimizes the deliberate multiplications the same way it did for implicit 
>>>>> multiplications in the "pRas[foo]" and "pRas[foo*4]" code that was being 
>>>>> generated previously.  Benchmarks will tell us if we're good there...
>>>>>                                             ...jim
>>>>> On 3/28/16 5:33 AM, Prahalad Kumar Narayanan wrote:
>>>>>> Hello Everyone on Java2D Group
>>>>>> Good day to you.
>>>>>> This is a follow-up to Review Request on bug:
>>>>>>       Bug          : JDK-8015070
>>>>>>       Bug Link :https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8015070
>>>>>> First, Thanks to Jim and Sergey for their feedback on the changes so far.
>>>>>> Inferences from Jim 's Feedback on Loading destination colors:
>>>>>>       1.  The API or Macro that I had earlier used to Load DST colors, 
>>>>>> indeed, adjusted destination color components with divide-by-alpha if 
>>>>>> destination was already pre-multiplied.
>>>>>>                    My apologies.. I should have spotted this error at 
>>>>>> the first iteration itself.
>>>>>>       2.  Due to the divide-by-alpha adjustment, the remaining
>>>>>> logic would become incorrect. ( Especially, the multiplication with
>>>>>> dstF based on pre-mulitplication status )
>>>>>>       3.  Correct API is being used now, and the dstColor components are 
>>>>>> loaded directly without any divide-by-alpha adjustment.
>>>>>> Inferences from Sergey's Feedback on Performance.
>>>>>>       1.  To set the context for everyone, the logic present in the 
>>>>>> current webrev.02 is modelled as per SRCOVER_MASKFILL.
>>>>>>                    There are multiple if (...) conditions that remove 
>>>>>> un-necessary blending calculations. Ideally this should improve 
>>>>>> performance.
>>>>>>                    However, since some data are not readily available 
>>>>>> (as present in SRCOVER_MASKFILL), few additional calculations have been 
>>>>>> added.
>>>>>>                    They are: pre-multiplying srcColor with alpha and 
>>>>>> assigning to res.
>>>>>>                                        Finding the correct address of 
>>>>>> Pixel using DST_PTR and PixelStride.
>>>>>>                    Henceforth, as Sergey suggests, Observation on 
>>>>>> performance will be beneficial.
>>>>>>       2.  The performance of the new logic was measured with
>>>>>> linux-x86_64-normal-server-release config and compared with the
>>>>>> logic used in un-optimized code in webrev.00
>>>>>>       3.  Result: The newer logic provides a fractional gain (about 15 - 
>>>>>> 20 ms) over the older logic.
>>>>>> Other Subtle Changes:
>>>>>>       1.  The test file has been renamed from
>>>>>> AADrawStringArtifact.java to more meaningful -
>>>>>> AntialiasedTextArtifact.java
>>>>>>       2.  The test file tests for both TYPE_INT_ARGB and 
>>>>>> TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE BufferedImage formats.
>>>>>>                   The code has been well commented to explain the logic 
>>>>>> used in every function.
>>>>>> Kindly take your time to review the changes in the webrev link mentioned 
>>>>>> below and provide your suggestions.
>>>>>>            Webrev Link:
>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~psadhukhan/prahlad/8015070/webrev.02/
>>>>>> Thank you for your time in review
>>>>>> Have a good day
>>>>>> Prahalad N.
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: Jim Graham
>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2016 7:57 AM
>>>>>> To: Prahalad Kumar Narayanan;2d-dev@openjdk.java.net
>>>>>> <mailto:2d-dev@openjdk.java.net>
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [2D-Dev] Review Request: JDK-8015070:
>>>>>> Antialiased text on translucent backgrounds gets bright artifacts
>>>>>> Hi Prahalad,
>>>>>> (On a side note - ouch!  I came up with these macros in the first
>>>>>> place, but 20 years later I'm now realizing just how hard they are
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> navigate and review.  My apologies...)
>>>>>> The macro you are still using to load the destination data is one that 
>>>>>> loads it to non-premultiplied components, which means it will divide out 
>>>>>> the alpha if the destination is PRE.  The rest of the logic assumes that 
>>>>>> the components were loaded without any adjustment of their 
>>>>>> premultiplication so not only is that division an unnecessary operation, 
>>>>>> it makes the following math wrong.
>>>>>> The SRCOVER_MASKFILL macro seems to use "Postload ## STRATEGY ## From ## 
>>>>>> TYPE" which seems to load them into separate components without any 
>>>>>> adjustment of their pre-multiplication status.  This is paired with 
>>>>>> "LoadAlphaFrom ## TYPE ## For ## STRATEGY" to load just the destination 
>>>>>> alpha for computing dstF...
>>>>>>                                           ...jim
>>>>>> On 3/22/16 4:35 AM, Prahalad Kumar Narayanan wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello Everyone on Java2D Group
>>>>>>> Good day to you.
>>>>>>> This is a Follow-up to Review Request on the bug:
>>>>>>>        Bug          : JDK-8015070   Anti-aliased Text on Translucent 
>>>>>>> background gets bright artifacts
>>>>>>>        Bug Link :https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8015070
>>>>>>> First, Sincere thanks to Jim for his valuable feedback.
>>>>>>>        1.  As Jim correctly mentioned, SRCOVER_MASKFILL has a similar 
>>>>>>> logic to blend two Translucent colors based on an Alpha mask.
>>>>>>>        2.  The calculations are exactly the same as the changes in 
>>>>>>> previous webrev.
>>>>>>>                    However the logic of SRCOVER_MASKFILL is 'Optimized' 
>>>>>>> to reduce the number of computations.
>>>>>>>        3.  This optimization is definitely required because, the logic 
>>>>>>> is executed for every single pixel in a glyph.
>>>>>>>                    Example: If a string is made up of 5 English
>>>>>>> characters with each character having 32 x 32 pixels,
>>>>>>>                                       The anti-aliasing logic will be 
>>>>>>> executed for 5 x 32 x 32 iterations.
>>>>>>>                    Reducing computation per pixel will imply a huge 
>>>>>>> benefit for complete drawString operation.
>>>>>>> Observation from SRCOVER_MASKFILL
>>>>>>>        1.  The mask fill reduces computations by through multiple 
>>>>>>> if(...) conditions.
>>>>>>>                      Each if condition affirms whether the next set of 
>>>>>>> computations are required.
>>>>>>>        2.  Optimization 1: If mask value is 0- skip entire logic.
>>>>>>>        3.  Optimization 2: If mask value is maximum, say 255, take
>>>>>>> srcA directly without multiplying with maskAlpha ( Reason: 1 *
>>>>>>> srcAlpha = srcAlpha )
>>>>>>>        4.  Optimization 3: Compute pre-multiplied resColor in two 
>>>>>>> steps. First with srcColor and then with dstColor.
>>>>>>>                      If the resAlpha from 1st step (i.e., srcColor) is 
>>>>>>> fully opaque, avoid blending dstColor altogether.
>>>>>>> Changes in Current Webrev.01
>>>>>>>        1.  The fix for the current bug is modelled based on 
>>>>>>>        2.  The changes have been verified to work on windows, linux and 
>>>>>>> mac operating systems.
>>>>>>>        3.  The automated Test file- AADrawStringArtifact.java runs
>>>>>>> as expected
>>>>>>>                   Identifies artifact & throws exception when run on 
>>>>>>> JDK 7 and 8.
>>>>>>>                   With JDK9, the test file returns without error.
>>>>>>>        3.  JPRT build has been run to ensure, changes build on all 
>>>>>>> supported platforms.
>>>>>>>                    JPRT job link :
>>>>>>> http://scaaa637.us.oracle.com//archive/2016/03/2016-03-22-070604.p
>>>>>>> ra
>>>> <http://scaaa637.us.oracle.com/archive/2016/03/2016-03-22-070604.pra>
>>>>>>> h
>>>>>>> n
>>>>>>> ara-linux.client
>>>>>>> Kindly review the changes in the below mentioned link and provide
>>>>>>> your views
>>>>>>>        Webrev Link :
>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~psadhukhan/prahlad/8015070/webrev.01/
>>>>>>> Thank you for your time in review
>>>>>>> Have a good day
>>>>>>> Prahalad N.
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: Jim Graham
>>>>>>> Sent: Friday, March 18, 2016 6:07 AM
>>>>>>> To: Prahalad Kumar Narayanan;2d-dev@openjdk.java.net
>>>>>>> <mailto:2d-dev@openjdk.java.net>
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [2D-Dev] Review Request: JDK-8015070:
>>>>>>> Antialiased text on translucent backgrounds gets bright artifacts
>>>>>>> Hi Prahalad,
>>>>>>> This basically boils down to "alpha blending math needs to be performed 
>>>>>>> in premultiplied form" and the existing code was not doing that.
>>>>>>> Your changes do add a pre-multiplication step to the math in two
>>>>>>> places
>>>>>>> - when you mix the src alpha and the glyph alpha at the top of the 
>>>>>>> macro, and again when you do the Multiply(dst, dstA, dst) step in the 
>>>>>>> middle.  In that sense, the new math is correct.
>>>>>>> However, it is not the optimal way to implement this.  In
>>>>>>> particular, the macro used here to load the data from the
>>>>>>> destination is the one that loads it into 4 ARGB non-premultiplied
>>>>>>> values.  If the destination is non-PRE, then your added multiply
>>>>>>> step is exactly what is needed, but it could be combined with the
>>>>>>> multiply that will happen later in the blending equation, so it is
>>>>>>> an added step rather than a fixed fraction in the existing MultMultAdd 
>>>>>>> parameters.
>>>>>>> Additionally, if the destination is already PRE, then the macro
>>>>>>> being used to load the dst pixel data there will have done a
>>>>>>> divide
>>>>>>> step to divide out the alpha from the destination, only to have
>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>> reverse that math with your new
>>>>>>> Multiply() step.  That's a lot of math to end up with a NOP.
>>>>>>> The MUL8 you added for the srcA and glyph value is needed, that change 
>>>>>>> is good.  Since it is common for glyph pixels to have zero alpha, you 
>>>>>>> might want to test the glyph alpha for 0 and skip the pixel before you 
>>>>>>> do the multiply, though.  This would add one more if, but it would be a 
>>>>>>> common case.
>>>>>>> The trickier part is to load the destination components without 
>>>>>>> un-premultiplying them.  Unfortunately there is no "Load...ToArgbPre"
>>>>>>> macro to parallel the Load macro used in the function.  Perhaps there 
>>>>>>> should be, but you'd still end up with an extra multiply step as I 
>>>>>>> mentioned above because you can fold the premultiplication of the dst 
>>>>>>> data into the MultMultAdd by carefully choosing the parameters you use 
>>>>>>> in the math there.
>>>>>>> The good news is that the way that the SRCOVER_MASKFILL uses the 
>>>>>>> various type-specific macros works around this a bit and minimizes the 
>>>>>>> number of multiplies that happen.  You could check out 
>>>>>>> DEFINE_SRCOVER_MASKFILL and see how it works in the case where pMask is 
>>>>>>> not null (pMask is an alpha mask with values very similar to the 
>>>>>>> glyphAA data).  Modeling this code on that code would correct the math 
>>>>>>> and minimize it as well...
>>>>>>>                                        ...jim
>>>>>>> On 3/17/16 3:00 AM, Prahalad Kumar Narayanan wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hello Everyone on Java2D Group
>>>>>>>> Good day to you.
>>>>>>>> Herewith, I 'm sharing the webrev for two identical Java2D Bugs.
>>>>>>>> Bug ID : JDK-8015070
>>>>>>>>            Title     : Antialiased text on translucent backgrounds gets
>>>>>>>> bright artifacts
>>>>>>>>            Link      :https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8015070
>>>>>>>> Bug ID : JDK-8013564 ( currently closed as duplicate )
>>>>>>>>            Title     : Font rendering anti-aliasing in translucent
>>>>>>>> BufferedImages broken
>>>>>>>>            Link      :https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8013564
>>>>>>>> Webrev Link :
>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~psadhukhan/prahlad/8015070/webrev.00/
>>>>>>>> Quick Summary on Bugs :
>>>>>>>> ````````````````````````````````````````````````
>>>>>>>> 1.  Artifacts appear on Edges of text characters when
>>>>>>>> anti-aliased
>>>>>>>> text is drawn on Translucent background
>>>>>>>> 2.  The issue is reproducible on all platforms - windows, linux and 
>>>>>>>> mac os.
>>>>>>>> 3.  Besides, the issue is reproduced with the commonly used pixel
>>>>>>>> format- 4ByteArgb.
>>>>>>>> Root Cause & Solution :
>>>>>>>> ````````````````````````````````````````````````
>>>>>>>> 1.  The Macro: GlyphListAABlend4ByteArgb in File: LoopMacros.h
>>>>>>>> uses
>>>>>>>> the standard blending algorithm
>>>>>>>>             dstColor = [ srcColor * glyphAlpha + dstColor * (1 -
>>>>>>>> glyphAlpha) ] / dstAlpha
>>>>>>>> 2.  The above equation works only when the srcColor and dstColor are 
>>>>>>>> Opaque.
>>>>>>>> 3.  When srcColor and dstColor are Translucent, their
>>>>>>>> alphaComponent will influence the visibility of the color, and
>>>>>>>> visibility of the color below.
>>>>>>>> 4.  The new set of calculations for blending Translucent source
>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> destination colors is given as
>>>>>>>>             resAlpha = 1 - ((1 - srcAlpha) * (1 - dstAlpha))
>>>>>>>>             resColor = [ srcColor * srcAlpha + dstColor *
>>>>>>>> dstAlpha
>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>> (1
>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>> srcAlpha) ] / resAlpha
>>>>>>>> 5.  Reference text for the equation:
>>>>>>>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha_compositing
>>>>>>>> 6.  With the above modification to the blending logic, the
>>>>>>>> artifacts do not appear and issues are fixed.
>>>>>>>> Jtreg & Jprt Results :
>>>>>>>> ````````````````````````````````````````````````
>>>>>>>> 1.  A simple test-file: AADrawStringArtifact.java has been
>>>>>>>> created
>>>>>>>> to be a part of jtreg test cases.
>>>>>>>>              The test file is well commented to explain - nature
>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>> artifact and how the test tries to identify them.
>>>>>>>>              As required, the test case fails with Jdk 7, Jdk 8
>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> succeeds with Jdk 9-internal (built with changes for the bug fix)
>>>>>>>> 2.  The changes to blending logic lies within
>>>>>>>> java.desktop/src/share/native/...
>>>>>>>>              Henceforth, JPRT was used to ensure successful build
>>>>>>>> across all supported platforms
>>>>>>>>              Jprt Job Link :
>>>>>>>> http://scaaa637.us.oracle.com//archive/2016/03/2016-03-17-072001.
>>>>>>>> pr
>>>> <http://scaaa637.us.oracle.com/archive/2016/03/2016-03-17-072001.pr>
>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>> h
>>>>>>>> n
>>>>>>>> ara-linux.client
>>>>>>>>              The build succeeds on all platforms.
>>>>>>>> Kindly review the webrev link and provide your views and suggestions.
>>>>>>>> Webrev Link :
>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~psadhukhan/prahlad/8015070/webrev.00/
>>>>>>>> If the changes look good, we could take up the changes for source 
>>>>>>>> checkin.
>>>>>>>> Thank you for your time in review
>>>>>>>> Have a good day
>>>>>>>> Prahalad N.

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