It seems to me that you are using the wrong units.
You have not divided by DPI to get inches.

Also I am not sure that the *entire* width/height of the paper is what you want here
but that is secondary to the first issue


On 5/19/16, 2:59 AM, prasanta sadhukhan wrote:
Hi All,

Please review a fix for jdk9 which is a continuation of the fix of JDK-6543815.


6543815 fix resets the x,y to 0 if they are negative before creating a MediaPrintableArea and the platform replaces it with hardware margins when printing.
This works only if x/y is negative.
But, If either width/height is negative alongwith x or y, then the margin is set to the java def 1 inch margin and not hardware margins.

This is because width/height -ve results in IAE in MediaPrintableArea constructor and so values are ignored. Added a check for -ve width/height to make sure width/height are set to minimum paper width/height.


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