On 8/17/16, 6:33 AM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
Tested on solarisX64/solarisSparc/linuxX64 no issues were found(SwingSet2/Java2Demo).
Sounds good. +1
But I wonder why the text on solarissparc filled by yellow shadow(Is it a known issue)?

Yes there is an open bug. I believe it is a SPARC (or more probably big endian)
issue in the Xrender server-side support for sub-pixel text.

I believe I've observed this with Xvnc where both X libs, Xserver and Vnc are
all running on the SPARC server and the latter two in one combined process.

So a bug "not in our code" but I've never been able to put all the pieces
together - or rather find the time to do that - to find where in the stack
the problem lies.


On 16.08.16 19:33, Phil Race wrote:
I think "JPRT is OK" is good but may be not enough here?
I am not sure if the build will complain about missing entries
for JNI methods since there is no direct linking against these.
Can you do a quick sanity run through of Java2Demo on Linux ..
and ideally Solaris x64 too.


On 08/16/2016 09:22 AM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:

Please review cleanup of mapfiles, initially the problem was found here:

 - tabs were replaced by spaces
 - doubled empty lines removed

jprt is ok.

Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8164104
Patch can be found at:

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