On 10/4/16 1:01 PM, Anton Tarasov wrote:
Anyway, I roughly tried your approach mentioned in the previous e-mail, but 
forcing RM to paint via offscreen
BufferedImage, not volatile (just for a quick check).
It solved the shift issue of the demo listed in 8162350, which is cool. It also 
solved the traces of InternalFrame and
menu in SwingSet2. Scrolling still traces (I suppose it should be resolved in 
Also, the problem with primitives rendering 
(http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Eant/hidpi_pics/Scaling-150-percent.png) is
still there. But it seems to relate to line-thikness (border-thickness) 
rounding inaccuracy. What we can do with that?...

Yes, blitting is a separate, but related case where pixel-exactness matters. When we scroll a pane we need to scroll it by a precise number of pixels and then paint the newly visible information at a precise pixel location. Solving this aspect might require events to have higher precision data available.

We should probably take detailed conversations about the solutions to the bug 


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