

Please review the following fix in JDK9 at your convenience:


Bug : https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8167281 


Webrev : http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jdv/8167281/webrev.00/ 


Issue : IIONodeList.item(index) and IIOMetadataNode. getElementsByTagName(tag) 
are not following specification properly.


Root cause : . IIOMetadataNode .getElementsByTagName(tag) returns empty list 
for special input value "*" and IIONodeList.item(index)throws 
IndexOutOfBoundsException for index equal to length of NodeList.


Solution : IIOMetadataNode .getElementsByTagName(tag) should match all tags for 
special input value "*" and IIONodeList.item(index) should return null if input 
index is equals to length of NodeList.





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