I don't know what versions of MacOS X either of you (Dmitry+Prasanta) used but I am going to guess they are different
(can you both report these, for the record).

In https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8147002, Prasanta enumerates
the cascade list for the Italic case and I don't see .NotoSansUniversal anywhere on that list.

So although if enumerated it likely still won't work (since it is not enumerated by the other APIs), there does not appear to be any font in the cascade list reported by Prasanta that "would not work",
so the fix still seems fine to me as it is plugging a gap.

A fix for using "hidden" fonts in the cascade list seems like a JDK 10 candidate unless there
is some critical case we are still missing.


On 02/13/2017 01:56 AM, Dmitry Batrak wrote:
> Yes, we are aware this fixed it only for Oracle JDK.
> The bit I missed is that GeezaProInterface was then used on OpenJDK by JRS.
> So we could add that as well.
> If you have any other fonts you think should be added to the tail of that 
list we
> can add them too.

I ran JRSFontCreateFallbackFontForCharacters against all Unicode code points with Menlo-Italic as base font, and got 63 possible fallback fonts - vs 29 present in cascade list, currently used by JDK 9 (given in JDK-8147002). So the mismatch is quite large. But the interesting thing is that cascade list returned by CTFontCopyDefaultCascadeListForLanguages still covers that whole Unicode range. The problem is that JDK doesn't use that list fully. In particular, Arabic alef letter U+0627 can be displayed using the font .NotoSansUniversal from that list. This font doesn't get into composite font, as it's not found among the fonts known to Java. So a better fix (and still quite small) will probably be using those 'hidden' fonts as part of cascade composites - by creating a new, 'local' CFont instance if lookup in the known font list fails (this, btw, seems to work fine for us). If even this is considered risky for JDK 9, then probably adding .NotoSansUniversal with or instead of .GeezaProInterface as a hardcoded component makes sense.
Best regards,
Dmitry Batrak

On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 8:19 PM, Phil Race <philip.r...@oracle.com <mailto:philip.r...@oracle.com>> wrote:

    I think that so long as we are using JRS* in some places and
    CoreText's cascading list
    in others there is the likelihood of some inconsistency where JRS
    introduces some magic
    that we don't know about

    So canDisplay() needs to be fixed to be consistent and perhaps we
    also need to see
    if we are always getting the glyphs from the same fonts for the
    cases where there
    is no missing glyph.

    I do agree that getting away from JRS* support is the way to go so
    we are in control.
    However not at this time in JDK 9.

    Yes "." fonts are not enumerated by OS X but if you can find them
    they work.
    This is how the UI fonts are handled.

    Yes, we are aware this fixed it only for Oracle JDK.
    The bit I missed is that GeezaProInterface was then used on
    OpenJDK by JRS.
    So we could add that as well.
    If you have any other fonts you think should be added to the tail
    of that list we
    can add them too.


    On 02/10/2017 07:59 AM, Dmitry Batrak wrote:


        I've tried to build OpenJDK from 'client' repository with the
        fix, and the
        issue is still reproducible for me. Are you fixing it only for
        Oracle JDK
        (including Lucida Sans Regular font), and not for OpenJDK? The
        problem is not
        that some character cannot be rendered using a particular
        font, it's that
        rendering behaviour doesn't match what 'canDisplay' returns.

        If you're interested I can share the way we've fixed this
        issue in our
        OpenJDK-based runtime.

        As you've mentioned, the problem is that
        JRSFontCreateFallbackFontForCharacters returns fallback font,
        which is not on
        the cascaded font list, and it can be absent even in the whole
        list of fonts
        reported by the system. On my machine, with OpenJDK, it's
        (with name starting with dot). I guess such fonts are treated
        by macOS as
        'hidden' (just like files with names starting with dots),
        still they seem to be
        usable from application if requested by their name.

        As JRSFontCreateFallbackFontForCharacters is a 'black box',
        it's hard to make
        sure cascade list we're building matches its internal logic,
        so we've chosen to
        build the list dynamically based on the output of
        JRSFontCreateFallbackFontForCharacters itself. I can try to
        corresponding webrev, if you think that can be useful.

        Alternative solution (and, probably, a better one
        strategically), would be not
        using JRSFontCreateFallbackFontForCharacters at all. The
        cascade list, that is
        built currently, can probably be used to perform font fallback
        in all cases.

        Best regards,
        Dmitry Batrak

        > Hi All,
        > Please review a fix for an issue which causes arabic
        character "alef" to
        > be not rendered in osx for menlo font in italic style.
        > Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8147002
        > The issue was actually a regression caused by the fix to
        > [macosx] A font has different behaviour for ligatures
        depending on its
        > creation mode
        > in which we have added cascaded font list to find the real
        fonts that
        > CFont uses, so that there is no need to use "negative" glyph
        code for
        > finding the fallback fonts
        > using the "subsititution"/"fallback" mechanism used by osx code.
        > However, the above logic of using cascaded font list in
        CFont does not
        > take into account of using JRE provided fonts like all those
        Lucida* ttf
        > in jdk/lib/fonts/, so
        > when a glyph (in this intance, arabic 'alef' character) is
        intended to
        > be rendered in Menlo font in italic style, osx will not be
        able to find
        > the glyph in Menlo-Italic font
        > and neither in all the cascaded system fonts provided by
        CoreText, so it
        > results in empty box.
        > Before 7162125 fix, the fallback code in
        > JRSFontCreateFallbackFontForCharacters()
        > was adding jre/lib/fonts to the fallback list which was
        causing the
        > glyph to be found in "LucidaBrightRegular.ttf" font and the
        glyph was
        > rendered.
        > So, the proposed fix is to add jre provided font "Lucida
        Sans Regular"
        > to the cascaded list so that we get the "alef" glyph.
        > The reason for choosing "Lucida Sans Regular" over "Lucida
        > Regular" is, because it is the largest font file in jre and
        has all the
        > glyph codepoints that no other font in the jre has,
        > so we will not lose out on any codepoints and will help us
        in not
        > getting missing glyph.
        > webrev:
        > Regards
        > Prasanta

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