1676 IndexOutOfBoundsException |

IndexOutOfBoundsException is a specified exception but as such is thrown outside this try block so I think you should not re-throw it here but should let it be handled by the block below. throw new IIOException("BufferOverflow/OOM while reading" 1683 + " the image"); Whilst that's the issue here I think this message will look quite odd if what we actually had thrown is something like ClassCastException so I think you should leave it to the underlying exception to report the issue. Also I had said to wrap the original exception, so what I expected was throw new IIOException("Caught exception during read: ", e); -phil.

On 11/13/2017 01:23 AM, Jayathirth D V wrote:

Hello All,

Please review the following fix in JDK10 :

Bug : https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8190332

Webrev : http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jdv/8190332/webrev.00/ <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Ejdv/8190332/webrev.00/>

Issue :

Two types of issues are fixed under the same solution, so JDK-8190511 <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8190511> is closed as duplicate of this issue.

1) PNGImageReader throws OOM error when IHDR width equals/or greater than VM’s array size limit.

2) PNGImageReader throws NegativeArraySizeException when IHDR width value is very high.

Root cause :

1)VM doesn’t allow creation of array with Size >= ((2 to the power of 31) – 2) so we throw OOM error.

2)We use width from IHDR to calculate needed “bytesPerRow” value as “(inputBands*passWidth*bitDepth + 7)/8”. When IHDR width is very high we overflow the integer size of bytesPerRow and when we try to create array using bytesPerRow it throws NegativeArraySizeException.

Solution :

According to PNG spec maximum value that can be stored in IHDR width/height is (2 to the power of 31). We can’t support PNG images with so large height/width, because based on other parameters like inputsBands, bitDepth we will definitely overflow than the maximum buffer value of VM. Also PNG is not a preferred format for such kind of large images.

Instead of catching these OOMError/NegativeArraySizeException at many different levels in PNGImageReader we can catch Throwable at higher level and convert OOMError/ NegativeArraySizeException into IIOException.



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