Yes, I approved the 2D patch. I have not yet looked at the FX version.


On 12/10/17, 12:39 PM, Laurent Bourgès wrote:

Thanks for your review.

I suppose you approved the Java2D patch for the RFR thread: [10] RFR JDK-8191814:

I will push tomorrow to jdk forrest as phil & sergey? approved 2D changes.

This RFR thread remains open for the JavaFX patch that Kevin started to test & review.


2017-12-10 18:36 GMT+01:00 Philip Race < <>>:

    I'm giving this an OK.
    I've looked at the code, if not the maths, and run our regression
    test suite.
    I had a bit of trouble with my full baseline run against which to
    compare so I've
    re-run just the test failures that seem like they might go
    anywhere need this code.
    and they were pre-existing.


    On 11/16/17, 3:01 PM, Laurent Bourgès wrote:

    Here is an updated webrev:

    It fixes the ClipShapeTest to run ~35s (< 2mins) on my latop: 22
    test setups only (5000 random polygons each) that covers all
    aspects of the new clipping algorithm.

    I wonder if I should remove the 'slow' mode that has till @ignore:
    both tests are ignored if I run jtreg -ignore:quiet although I
    would like to only ignore the @ignore run (1/2).

    Once again, I have to create a new JBS bug for Marlin2D tomorrow
    then start a new RFR with a complete change log.


    2017-11-16 10:50 GMT+01:00 Laurent Bourgès
    < <>>:


            You can generate a number of images using a few threads
            when the flag is on then switch it off and compares
            results. The test should not draw different(on/off) modes
            in parallel but it can draw the images for the same mode.

        Yes that is always possible but I do not want to spend too
        much time improving the test to parallelize it.

        I fixed it last night and it runs only 22 test setups (1
        stroke width = 8px, no dashes) and takes ~ 30 seconds on my
        laptop (single-thread).
        I verified that any bug in Marlin clipping is detected by
        this new variant of the tests.
        Will provide a new patch asap.

                Finally I will minimize the number of stroker tests:
                use only 1 stroke width (=5px) and that should be
                enough to stay below timeout (2mins).

            Note that the test can be run on some slow/virtual
            systems, it would be good to have some additional time.

                Is there any documentation about jtreg tags ?

            You can find it here:



-- -- Laurent Bourgès

Laurent Bourgès

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