Looks fine to me. Did you run the rendering related regression tests ?

I am not sure if a backport to 10 will be approved under the new guidelines :


On 5/4/18, 5:30 AM, Laurent Bourgès wrote:

Please review this simple fix to the Dasher problem:
JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8202580
webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~lbourges/marlin/marlin-8202580.0/ <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Elbourges/marlin/marlin-8202580.0/>

- (D)Dasher.init: the given dash array is dirty as MarlinRenderingEngine got it from XxxArrayCache (Unsafe.allocateUninitializedArray) when calling copyDashArray(). The fix consists in using the correct part [0; dashLen[ as it was the case in jdk9 - added test that detects wrong dashed rectangle: jtreg fails on jdk10/11 without patch

- the thread may hang in init() if the dirty part contains negative values (normalization loop never exits), but it is very difficult to reproduce and test. - My Apologies: I introduced the bug in dec 2016 when I merged MarlinFX / Marlin2D.

Finally, the proposed fix should be backported to JDK10 and also to OpenJFX 10/11. I can propose a patch to OpenJFX11 soon.

Could somebody else manage the backport process (JDK-update 10, OpenJFX10) ?


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