You missed

It is on my to-do list ..


On 9/8/18, 1:55 PM, Eirik Bakke wrote:

Hi, 2D-dev.

Switching from Java 1.8.0_172 to Java 10.0.2, at least on Windows 10, it has become very expensive to call LineBreakMeasurer.nextLayout--it takes about 0.8ms to render any string, even if it's just a single character. That's between 7 and 70(!) times slower than on Java 8, depending on how many strings you need to render. See the following performance test (my results pasted at the end):

This is a problem in our visualization app, which uses LineBreakMeasurer to produce a TextLayout once for every cell in a large spreadsheet-like data layout. Operations that were previously quick or instantaneous now introduce bad latencies in the user interface.

I saw the related bug and its duplicate, but they are both closed.

Is this a known regression, and are there any plans to fix it?

-- Eirik

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