I think Jay's point is that the test isn't at all about alpha,
so he chose to fix it by removing alpha which is equally as valid
as switching format.


On 11/7/18, 11:17 AM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
Hi, Jay.

As far as I understand the "png" still support alpha,
and it is tested by this test?

On 07/11/2018 02:11, Jayathirth D V wrote:
Hello All,

Please review the following fix in JDK12 :

Bug : https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8176556

Webrev : http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jdv/8176556/webrev.00/

Issue : When we run java/awt/dnd/ImageTransferTest/ImageTransferTest.java if fails to get ImageWriter(Service provider) capable of encoding JFIF format.

Root cause: Support for alpha channel in JPEG is removed in JDK-8204187 <https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8204187> and this causes DataTransferer to throw exception saying unable to get Service provided for ARGB channel in for Jpeg.

Solution : Use RGB image without Alpha channel. This regression test was written to verify image data before and after DnD, so removing alpha channel will not affect its purpose.



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