Hi Shashi,

In this case, we know doCompare() is called from one location only [and also is not a public method to be called by user] and the check I mentioned is redundant. It's in while(true) loop so any optimzation we can do to avoid unnecessary checks will be good in my opinion.

If someone changed the doCompare() call without seeing the implication or giving thought, then he has to face the repurcussions, but I guess reviewers would be able to catch that beforehand.



On 15-Feb-19 12:17 PM, Shashidhara Veerabhadraiah wrote:

Hi Prasanta, doCompare(str1, str2) is a different function and one should not define a function based on how it is going to be called!! What if someone changed the caller to this: doCompare(currentRemotePrinters, prevRemotePrinters). There is no restriction if one calls like this. Here the function is taking 2 strings and it does not say which one should be passed at what position. Probably if the function takes different parameters then it sets an automatic rule on which parameter needs to be passed at which position but otherwise function definition should take care this.

Hope you agree with me.

Thanks and regards,


*From:*Prasanta Sadhukhan
*Sent:* Friday, February 15, 2019 12:11 PM
*To:* Phil Race <philip.r...@oracle.com>; Shashidhara Veerabhadraiah <shashidhara.veerabhadra...@oracle.com>
*Cc:* 2d-dev@openjdk.java.net
*Subject:* Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [12] JDK-8212202: NPE in the print tests after JDK-8153732

Hi Shashi,

I have one comment:
doCompare(prevRemotePrinters, currentRemotePrinters) is only called from run() method when "prevRemotePrinters" is already checked to be not null [*if (prevRemotePrinters != null && prevRemotePrinters.length > 0) ]* so I see no point in checking "str1" [which is prevRemotePrinters] to be null in doCompare(). I guess instead of

*413 if (str1 == null && str2 == null) {*

*414                 return false;*

*415             } else if (str1 == null || str2 == null) {*

*416                 return true;*

*417             }*

you can have

if (str2 == null)

    return true;



On 15-Feb-19 2:48 AM, Phil Race wrote:

    +1 .. remember to use the current bug synopsis in the push comment

    ie : "[Windows] Exception if no printers are installed."


    On 2/11/19 12:39 AM, Shashidhara Veerabhadraiah wrote:

        Hi Phil, Here is the new Webrev fixing those comments:


        Thanks and regards,


        *From:*Philip Race
        *Sent:* Saturday, February 9, 2019 2:25 AM
        *To:* Shashidhara Veerabhadraiah
        *Cc:* Prasanta Sadhukhan <prasanta.sadhuk...@oracle.com>
        2d-dev@openjdk.java.net <mailto:2d-dev@openjdk.java.net>
        *Subject:* Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [12] JDK-8212202: NPE in the
        print tests after JDK-8153732

        413             if (str1 == null && str2 == null) {
         414                 return false;
         415             } else if ((str1 == null && str2 != null) ||
        (str2 == null && str1 != null)) {
         416                 return true;
         417             }

        When we get to 415 we already know at least one of str1 or
        str2 is non-null so 415 can just be

        } else if (str1 == null || str2 == null) {


        On 2/6/19, 12:31 AM, Shashidhara Veerabhadraiah wrote:

            Hi Phil, Here is the updated Webrev fixing those comments:


            Thanks and regards,


            *From:*Phil Race
            *Sent:* Thursday, January 31, 2019 4:36 AM
            *To:* Shashidhara Veerabhadraiah
            *Cc:* Prasanta Sadhukhan <prasanta.sadhuk...@oracle.com>
            2d-dev@openjdk.java.net <mailto:2d-dev@openjdk.java.net>
            *Subject:* Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [12] JDK-8212202: NPE in
            the print tests after JDK-8153732

            Sorry .. this got lost ..

            I don't understand this line :

            253     jobjectArray emptyArray = env->NewObjectArray(1,
            clazz, NULL);

            This is returning an array of length 1 and element 0 is NULL.
            I think you want

            env->NewObjectArray(0, clazz, NULL);

            and I don't see why you need to create it there

            instead you can just have

            304     if (nameArray != NULL) {

              305       return nameArray;

            306     } else {

            307       return env->NewObjectArray(0, clazz, NULL);

            308     }

            449                 if (prevRemotePrinters != null) {

            shouldn't this be

            449                 if (prevRemotePrinters != null &&
            prevRemotePrinters.length > 0) {



            On 12/10/18 10:19 PM, Shashidhara Veerabhadraiah wrote:

                Hi Phil, I have updated with small code updates:


                Thanks and regards,


                *From:*Shashidhara Veerabhadraiah
                *Sent:* Monday, December 10, 2018 3:19 PM
                *To:* Philip Race <philip.r...@oracle.com>
                *Cc:* Prasanta Sadhukhan
                2d-dev@openjdk.java.net <mailto:2d-dev@openjdk.java.net>
                *Subject:* RE: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [12] JDK-8212202: NPE
                in the print tests after JDK-8153732

                Hi Phil, Please find the updated Webrev.


                Thanks and regards,


                *From:*Philip Race
                *Sent:* Friday, December 7, 2018 8:54 PM
                *To:* Shashidhara Veerabhadraiah
                *Cc:* Prasanta Sadhukhan
                2d-dev@openjdk.java.net <mailto:2d-dev@openjdk.java.net>
                *Subject:* Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [12] JDK-8212202: NPE
                in the print tests after JDK-8153732

                First off, I think the high order bit is that if a
                non-null array reference is returned there are NO
                null String entries in it. Whether a zero length or
                null array is returned when there are no printers
                is the less important issue.

                However an empty array also tells you there are no
                printers, and you are less likely to get an NPE from that.
                It is arguably easier for the caller, if they don't
                need the extra null check first.
                FWIW the javax.print public APIs return zero length
                arrays instead of null and applications seem to
                survive :-)

                I don't know what you mean by :
                > (And anyway we need to handle the first null string

                If you are referring to a small matter of coding in
                the native layer, then that is not an insurmountable

                Basically if there are problems getting names or
                whatever in the native layer, handle it THERE, don't make
                everyone else have to deal with it.

                One caveat: JNI calls can theoretically fail due to
                OOME .. in such a case we are doomed and
                the main goal is to not crash in native and to obey
                all JNI rules. What is returned in that case
                can be a null array reference and an NPE in a
                Java-level user of that reference in such a case is
                not a big deal.


                On 12/6/18, 8:10 PM, Shashidhara Veerabhadraiah wrote:

                    Hi Phil, Is it advisable to return zero length
                    array from native? The null return from native is
                    telling the caller that there are no printers
                    connected to the system. To tell this should we
                    allocate a zero length array containing null back
                    to the caller(And anyway we need to handle the
                    first null string reference)? Handling the null on
                    the caller isn’t an easier option?

                    Thanks and regards,


                    *From:*Phil Race
                    *Sent:* Thursday, December 6, 2018 2:35 AM
                    *To:* Shashidhara Veerabhadraiah
                    Prasanta Sadhukhan <prasanta.sadhuk...@oracle.com>
                    *Subject:* Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [12] JDK-8212202:
                    NPE in the print tests after JDK-8153732

                    But what I am saying is we should not return a
                    NULL string reference
                    from native. You are still allowing that and then
                    having to handle
                    it in Java code.

                    And FWIW you can return a zero length array as
                    well so there
                    isn't a NULL array reference to deal with either.


                    On 12/3/18 8:29 AM, Shashidhara Veerabhadraiah wrote:

                        Hi Phil, There were 2 problems earlier. One is
                        that, from the native it is possible to have
                        no printers being associated with the
                        system(causing to return null reference) and
                        other problem in the implementation was that
                        there may be no network printers and still
                        return a valid array reference containing a
                        null string. The first problem is fixed by
                        handling null references returned from this
                        function and other problem was that earlier
                        there were different base conditions, for
                        updating the reference and use it to create
                        the printer name array which could produce a
                        valid reference pointing to null string. Here
                        is the updated Webrev which fixes these problems:


                        The big problem was that I was not able to
                        reproduce this problem neither at my end nor
                        at the systems used for PIT testing. Only
                        Sergey had produced this NPE till now.

                        Thanks and regards,


                        *From:*Phil Race
                        *Sent:* Wednesday, November 28, 2018 11:19 PM
                        *To:* Shashidhara Veerabhadraiah
                        Prasanta Sadhukhan
                        *Subject:* Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [12]
                        JDK-8212202: NPE in the print tests after

                        I am not understanding you. I thought the
                        problem to be we got an array of (say) 3 values
                        (ie printer names) returned from native where
                        some or all of the *values* were NULL.
                        And I am saying we should in such a case in
                        the native code, before returning,
                        remove from the returned array all values that
                        are NULL.
                        That could result in an empty (zero length)
                        array being returned from native but
                        no null names ..


                        On 11/26/18 10:23 PM, Shashidhara
                        Veerabhadraiah wrote:

                            The windows function EnumPrinters()
                            returns a value that could be zero or
                            greater. If it is zero we have no other
                            option but to return null from the
                            function. I do not think there is a way
                            where we can always make sure we get a
                            non-zero value considering the various
                            system scenarios. So we should handle the
                            null return values as well in the caller
                            of this function I think.

                            Here is the updated Webrev for test fix:


                            Thanks and regards,

                            *From:*Phil Race
                            *Sent:* Tuesday, November 27, 2018 1:52 AM
                            *To:* Prasanta Sadhukhan
                            Shashidhara Veerabhadraiah
                            *Subject:* Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [12]
                            JDK-8212202: NPE in the print tests after

                            [Removed swing-dev as this as nothing to
                            do with swing].

                            You mention in the bug eval that you don't
                            need a new test because this
                            is already covered by the test for
                            8153732. If that is the case then this
                            bugid should be added to that test.
                            Although it also looks like there are
                            plenty of tests that provoke this ..
                            if all you need is a system without any
                            printers then this is a serious regression.

                            I am not sure I am following why
                            doCompare() is the place to fix this.
                            If getRemotePrinterNames() is returning
                            NULL strings, then maybe it should not !

                            I suggest to fix it there.


                            On 11/26/18 7:51 AM, Prasanta Sadhukhan wrote:

                                I am not against doCompare() changes.
                                I am just saying run() changes are not


                                On 26-Nov-18 9:15 PM, Shashidhara
                                Veerabhadraiah wrote:

                                    There is a possible case and that
                                    is the reason for this fix. The
                                    possible states for
                                    prevRemotePinters and
                                    currentRemotePrinters are null and
                                    valid values and they can reach
                                    those states at any time either
                                    because of network disconnect or
                                    any other OS related changes. With
                                    that in mind, this fix tries to
                                    eliminate the possible NPE cases.

                                    Thanks and regards,


                                    *From:*Prasanta Sadhukhan
                                    *Sent:* Monday, November 26, 2018
                                    8:01 PM
                                    *To:* Shashidhara Veerabhadraiah
                                    *Subject:* Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev]
                                    [12] JDK-8212202: NPE in the print
                                    tests after JDK-8153732

                                    On 26-Nov-18 6:51 PM,

                                        Hi Prasanta, I think we should
                                        not create a behavior across
                                        the functions. doCompare()
                                        does only the comparison and
                                        it may be used for other
                                        purposes and is complete with
                                        respect to the comparison

                                        run() function has a different
                                        behavior as it needs to
                                        populate the
                                        prevRemotePrinters and then
                                        the currentRemotePrinters and
                                        then use the comparison
                                        functionality. I think this is
                                        a good way to do.

                                    Even without the if-else check, it
                                    does populates the
                                    prevRemotePrinters, no?
                                    if "prevRemotePrinters" is null
                                    and currentRemotePrinters is null,
                                    then no need to update. If
                                    currentRemotePrinters is null,
                                    then what is the point of using
                                    getRemotePrintersNames() to update
                                    prevRemotePrinters as
                                    currentRemotePrinters is also
                                    obtained from getRemotePrintersNames!!
                                    If "prevRemotePrinters" is null
                                    and currentRemotePrinters is not
                                    null, then doCompare() called from
                                    run() will be true and
                                    prevRemotePrinters will be
                                    populated with currentRemotePrinters.
                                    If "prevRemotePrinters" is not
                                    null and currentRemotePrinters is
                                    null, then also prevRemotePrinters
                                    will be populated with


                                        Thanks and regards,


                                        On 26/11/18 6:03 PM, Prasanta
                                        Sadhukhan wrote:

                                            Hi Shashi,

                                            I think l437 check of
                                            if-else *if
                                            (prevRemotePrinters !=
                                            null) {*

                                            is not required.
                                            prevRemotePrinters null
                                            check is addressed in
                                            str1==null case in
                                            If prevRemotePrinters is
                                            null and
                                            currentRemotePrinters is
                                            not null, then you update
                                            prevRemotePrinters to
                                            currentRemotePrinters as
                                            per l415 where doCompare
                                            returns true.
                                            Also, If
                                            prevRemotePrinters is not
                                            null and
                                            currentRemotePrinters is
                                            null, then also you update
                                            prevRemotePrinters to
                                            which is the output of


                                            On 26-Nov-18 2:33 PM,
                                            Shashidhara Veerabhadraiah

                                                Hi All, Please review
                                                a NPE fix for the
                                                below bug.



                                                may return null values
                                                and hence they need to
                                                be handled from the
                                                caller of that
                                                function which was
                                                missing earlier. This
                                                fix handles the null
                                                return values of the
                                                said function.

                                                Thanks and regards,


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