
Since you proposed this version of the fix, do you want to push it ?


On 8/24/19 5:09 AM, Alexey Ushakov wrote:
Hi Sergey,

The proposed solution looks good for me.

Best Regards,

On 12 Aug 2019, at 12:29, Sergey Bylokhov <> wrote:

Hi, Phil, Alexey.

I recheck this bug, and here is some of my thought:
1. We have two java classes:
    - GLX/CGL/WGL/GraphicsConfig which maintain the native structure 
    - GLX/CGL/WGL/SurfaceData which maintain the native structure 
2. The native structures should be disposed of by the "Disposer" machinery
3. The native part XXXSDOps has a pointer to the CGL/GraphicsConfigInfo
4. To prevent the usage of dangling pointer to the XXXGraphicsConfigInfo, the 
java part of XXXSDOps has a strong reference to the java part of 

The assumption at point 4 is not correct, it is possible that the native part 
of the XXXGraphicsConfigInfo could be disposed before XXXSDOps, and we will get 
a crash when we will try to dispose the XXXSDOps.

Long time ago when it was implemented it works fine, because we never dispose 
the graphics configs, we read them on-start and use till the end of the 
application, even now we use this approach on Linux(JDK-8076313).

So this bug existed on Linux, Windows and migrated to the macOS platform, but 
only on macOS and windows we can get a crash.

I have rechecked the usage of the pointer from XXXSDOps to 
XXXGraphicsConfigInfo which caused a crash and think that we can get rid it, 
but it will required to change bunch of code on all platforms, so as a minimal 
fix I suggest this one:
Just to store the reference to the GC till the moment it will not be used by 
the SurfaceData.

On 8/7/19 10:56 am, Phil Race wrote:
This fix seems OK to me. Can you please do whatever re-evaluation you meant
as I'd like to pull it into jdk/client for Alexey (since he does not have 
current commit rights).
On 3/8/18 2:59 PM, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
Hi, Bill.
Thank you for confirmation.

On 08/03/2018 14:08, Bill York wrote:
3. Is there a plan to get this bug fix into the JRE distributed by Oracle?
I will reevaluate the fix for inclusion in jdk11.

Best regards, Sergey.

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