1) This is an RFE, not a bug.
2) Does this font exist on Windows 7 ?
3) This cannot be backported since the older JDK releases will not support it.


On 10/3/19, 8:57 AM, Alexey Ivanov wrote:
Any volunteers to review?

On 25/09/2019 20:38, Alexey Ivanov wrote:

Please review the fix for JDK 14:

bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8223558
webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~aivanov/8223558/webrev.00/

Problem description:
Java renders Myanmar script incorrectly. Some glyphs are not combined, which makes text unreadable. For example, this glyph ကြ is made of two characters U+1000 and U+103C. Java renders two separate glyphs.

Enable ligatures or kerning on the font to get the correct rendering.

The fix:
Enables complex layout for base Myanmar characters (U+1000-U+109F).
Provides fallback font on Windows.
On Linux, fontconfig handles the fallback.

I ran awt/font tests, no new failures found.

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