So maybe the actual *usage* of C++11 features slows it down.

I found this :-

I really did not even think to measure the build time and I don't
think there's any JDK build parallelism in building a specific native library.
The build is parallel at a higher level but not at that lower level.


On 11/17/20, 10:00 AM, Florian Weimer wrote:
* Philip Race:

There is more code in the newer version but not 4 times as much !
Harfbuzz now requires c++11 features (-std=c++11)
Possibly the C++ compiler you are using (you don't mention platform) is
slower in this mode.
It's GCC 8 on Debian buster, which defaults to C++14.  And it's
possible to write slow-to-compile C++ in all language modes.

Is the Harfbuzz build parallelized?

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