On Tue, 26 Jan 2021 01:54:10 GMT, Sergey Bylokhov <s...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> Probably we can import the CSS used by the javadoc itself?

We do. For example, [AWT Modality in JDK 
 has borders because of `border="1"` attribute. If you remove it or change it 
to `border="1"` in Developer Tools in browser, the borders around cells 

However, I looked into it further: there are tables in Javadoc comments. One 
example is [AWTKeyStroke 
 which uses `class="striped"`. In most cases, classes in java.desktop module 
use striped tables.

There's also `plain` class. I've found one usage of `class=plain"` in 
 This style has collapsed borders around each cell. It looks similar to what we 
have now in “plain” HTML documents, yet by default the borders are not 
collapsed, that is you see borders around each individual cell.

The stylesheet also declares `borderless` class which has no borders.

For the consistent look and feel of documentation, I think `striped` is the 
most appropriate class. However, I prefer `plain` class for 
`componentProperties.html` file.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/2210

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