On Wed, 5 Jan 2000, Lester Kenyatta Spence wrote:

> now this is really interesting....and i'm not tripping at all on the fact
> that you had to send this.
> but from my experience.....drugs and house/techno music has never really
> gone together.  the music institute was pretty clean....or is it me?
The producers I know, and know about, in Detroit are almost all pretty
straight edge.  Something to do with living in a city where you get daily
reminders of the downside of drug use pushed in your face.

My sources suggest that the white party scene in Detroit is pretty
heavily drug-saturated, and that there is a lot of collusion between
dealers and promoters. I can't name names and it wouldn't be right for
me to do so, since this is all hearsay.

I think Terrence's idea is a good one, and more power to him.  I've
often thought that bringing really great DJ's into an environment 
that won't scare the parents of teenagers could really change a lot of heads.

What you choose to ingest is your business, but I think that it's tragic
that something as deep and beautiful as techno is getting portrayed as nothing
but an excuse for a drug party.  Doubly tragic in that in some cases, it's
not just alarmist hype.  I don't get those warm fuzzy feelings when I have
to pick kids up out of the bassbins and check them for pulse and respiration.
And that's not an exaggeration -- I did exactly that a couple weeks ago.

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