"Michael Rappaport" reminded me.

"Zebrahead", if you come across it, was done here. I actually auditioned for it but lost out due to not having any proper representation (ie, an agent). Which wasn't so bad because by the time the film finished, my character just stood around and grinned. The character's name, which, unfortunately, didn't change, was Nut(?!)

Then there was that Danny DeVito flick where he teaches some army guys Hamlet. It had one name in the theaters and a different one on video and I can't remember either one. In fact, DeVito seems to do a lot of film stuff in Detroit. I remember when everyone was fighting over who controlled the Hudson's Building he was filming down there late one night (real, real late). I didn't see DeVito, who was producing or something, but I saw Dabney Coleman (is that his name) and, I think, Bonnie Bedelia. They were supposed to be some kind of couple or something (can you tell I never saw the completed film?).

And how can folks forget "Martin" which was shot in a studio, but set in Detroit and took place in the apartments on Jefferson (yeah, I forgot that name, too, but you always saw them during the 'transitions').

Last, but not least, I gotta put in a vote for Aaliyah, whose film wasn't shot here, but I'm telling ya, one look and I'm like, "Ah! Detroit!"
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