Well you should probably consider that as an add-on.

To me, CD and even more Traktor DJ set have a lack of visual. But it's
not always a lack of interaction.This iPhone thing adds a little bit
of visual to something that can be boring to look at (which does not
mean boring to hear or dance to).

Remember the good old traninspotter stuck in front of the DJs and
trying to read on the vinyls the title of the tracks. With that new
technology trainsptting will come back lol. And dont be affraid of
iPhone looking crowds, trainspotters have always been a minority.

Something interesting to add would be an iPhone app to actually
download the played track (once they stream the artist/title that
should be easy). I know Traktor/Beatport are closely linked so that
can be easily implemented (except if iPhone does not allow paying
downloads from other sources than iTunes).

You might find that stupid or businessey, but like the ASCAP rights,
that would allow the played artist to get higher revenue and basicaly
to sell more tracks (= more exposition). In these days of crisis that
doesnt sound to be a bad thing.


2009/4/30, kent williams <chaircrus...@gmail.com>:
> And bless his uberkuhlische herzlein, he didn't just start twittering
> from the DJ booth, he had to put out a press release announcing it.
> The whole idea of DJing is that it should be an absorbing enough task
> that you don't have time to screw around with your iPhone every few
> minutes.  And more than that, what DJ wants to play in front of a
> crowd glued to their cellies?
> I think Richie is an OK guy -- really, I'm not being sarcastic. But he
> needs to get out of the freaking echo chamber he's built up around
> himself.  Can you imagine -- just as an example -- Omar-S twittering
> from the DJ Booth? DJ Bone? Buzz Goree? Theo Parrish? Ron Hardy?
> Those guys don't need technology to mediate between them and their
> On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 8:59 AM, Matt Kane's Brain
> <mkb-pr...@hydrogenproject.com> wrote:
>> Of COURSE it had to be Hawtin who does it:
>> http://www.m-nus.com/newsletters/TWITTER%20press%20release.pdf

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