> I think Quincy Jones would be the first guy to say that he
> collaborated with MJ on those classic records, and that his role was
> to facilitate and channel what Michael was trying to accomplish.

that sounds like political talk - because it is

> Quincy does have a hand in bringing out the best in many artists as a
> producer.  And while it can be argued that Jones' body of work is
> impressive, his work on his own doesn't hold a candle to the best work
> of the artists he's produced.

well, yeah, that's what I'm saying - Q's talent is just that
pulling out and making the best of MJ's talent and finding ways to work it 
that MJ probably wouldn't have if left to his own devices
MJ needed Q to make those two albums what they were
of course Q needed MJ to be the vocalist and the interested artist to make 
them what it they are as well - but Q had all those arrangements in his 
head, the blending of musical styles, and just the pure lushness of the 
that's 100% Quincy

if you listen to Destiny, which is the last thing that Jackson did before 
teaming up with Jones - while still good it just doesn't compare
Destiny is fun but pretty much nailed to the time in which it was made - 
pop funk/disco of the late 70s 
Off the Wall trancended that era and I give more credit to Quincy than 
Jackson for taking it there because I don't think Jackson would have got 
there on his own

> So don't try and take anything away from MJ.  Quincy is a great
> producer, arranger, and collaborator, but he's no Svengali.

I'm not taking anything away from MJ - he was a phenominally gifted singer 
and he knew, like Madonna, how to navigate the river up to a certain point

don't get me wrong - I grew up on and love most of MJ's & the Jackson 5's 
work up - especially those two albums


> On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 11:02 AM, Michael
> Elliot-Knight<michael.elliot-kni...@fallon.com> wrote:
> > I think that Quincy Jones should be the one held responsible for the 
> > Off the Wall & Thriller came out and Michael Jackson's comeback solo
> > success
> > if you take a look at Q's work as a producer - he could take artists 
> > mild to falling success and make platinum selling records
> > many artists' albums failed to be as good after leaving the working
> > relationship with him - MJ's included
> >
> > Jackson was blessed with an amazing voice and was a quick study - he 
> > the same thing with Bob Fosse's choreography
> >
> > but had it not been for Jones in the studio I HIGHLY doubt either of
> > Jackson's best works would have come out the way they did
> > his solo career was floating in the 3 out of 5 star area - and then
> > suddenly he produces two amazingly classic records?
> >
> > naw - that's all Quincy, the dude just has that touch
> >
> >

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