On 2011-09-03, at 10:51 PM, Kevin Kennedy <the...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Should an artist, working with a label (who may or may not pay them)
> revise a tune that they (the artist) consider a 'complete' work?  And
> if so, how far _should_ an artist compromise in order to satisfy the
> desires of a label?
> Curious to see your answers 313ers!
> -- 
> fbk
> sleepengineering/absoloop US

I don't think $ has anything to do with it. 
Personally, whether writing an article for publication, designing sounds
for sale by a sound provider, recording songs for release
by a label, or doing a remix, I appreciate constructive
 criticism. By your usage of the word "compromise", IMO, you're
implying that you feel suggestions for changes to a
submission are  inappropriate. But maybe they'll make
the song in question better. I say keep an open mind
and see what the result is. Hope this helps. Andrew

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