Sounding good, Kevin. Will you be making it downloadable? Thanks. Andrew

On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 7:16 PM, Kevin Kennedy <> wrote:
> Hi 313 peoples.
>    As I am certain you are aware that I normally don't send you spam
> messages about all of my somewhat 313 related activity (like the records
> I've released this year, the absoloop label, and all of that nonsense:), I
> felt it rather necessary to post a link to a live performance that James
> Johnson and I recorded earlier this month as The Fallen.
>     Any of you familiar with James Johnson (aka Plural) should also know
> that he's a hell of a producer and DJ (one I really enjoy working with as
> well) and he has releases on 6one6, separate skills, and soon a seminal
> Detroit label...
> 45 minutes of pure, unpracticed, unbridled, unadulterated techno
> funk...suitable for placing in your ear holes.  It's all live, not a DJ set.
> Here is the link:
> Hope you all enjoy it...I may make it available for download...
> Cheers and happy holidays to all on this list!
> Kevin Kennedy
> --
> Absoloop/Orange 82


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