OK, so I should've dug a little deeper before asking, the first one is
"Paradise" by Octave One. Sorry for the noise.

On Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 12:36 AM, Filip Sneppe <filip.sne...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> I came across a person asking for two track IDs from Belgium's Boccaccio
> club. The first one - I think - has Lisa Newberry (or someone sounding very
> much like her) on vocals and definitely sounds like something that could
> have come out of Detroit around 89-90.
> https://soundcloud.com/surfingleons/bocca-track-1
> Can anyone on this list ID this ?
> The other one doesn't sound Detroit at all, but here it is anyway for
> those who want to give it a try:
> https://soundcloud.com/surfingleons/bocca-track-2
> Thanks in advance,
> Filip

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