darw_n wrote :
        "so it could be said that techno is the universal music in that all
music can
be distilled down to techno..."

heh heh

i really can't agree with this statement, though it's a nice thought! i
don't see pieces of music as existing on some scale of complexity/design
which  can be broken down into distinguishable parts. as though a great
classical work can be 'reduced' down to some basic building blocks, or
similarly a great techno track could be taken and built upon into something
more muddled/specific and less 'pure'. to me all music has the potential for
clarity/purity of expression, regardless of the form. minimal techno is an
approach/attempt at expression, as is mahler's 5th: clearly mahler's works
are far more dense, but to suggest that they could be 'distilled' into
something more universal seems to miss the point.

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