Is anyone else getting a ****ing headache from this "not black enough"
thread? Cmon people, evolve. Evolve. Get the **** out of the murky waters of
the evolutionary turmoil that is the programming of attachment to the
various things that make you different. How deep, soulful, or spiritual you
are depends on your individual level of insight, evolution, experience, and
interpretation. Not on any of the attributes your culture tells you you
should stand seperate and strong on. I hate this. Isn't it Mike Banks who
told you, "do not allow yourselves to be programmed." Anybody else see that
the "man" lives inside of your head in the form of your own ego? He's black,
white, yellow, red, every ****ing color that a human w/ an ego could
possibly be. So PLEASE, can we stick to the ****ing music and at least
somewhat interesting and related topics of discussion!!!-


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