----- Original Message -----
From: atomly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Yea, tape phasing (running two copies slightly off) and tape flange
> > (manually slowing one down a bit and then letting it catch up) sound
> > much better than most of the digital equivalents that are out there
> > today

one of the coolest phase tones I've ever heard was by robert fripp.
fripp and eno did this song call swastika girls back in the early 70's it's
an excellent example of his fripptronics. I don't know exactly how he get
those tones but I've been told he uses several open real tape decks looped
together and he has them modified so he can move the tape with his hand etc.
I guess kinda how a dj can manipulate the record

I hope this wasn't to OT?


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