the mistakes on juan atkins mix cd at least prove that he actually mixed it live. i saw a disturbing item on bbc television the other week. it was a business programme which had a feature on british clubland and how clubs were now such a marketable brand. they focussed on thhe club renaissance and how they were trying to break into the states.

dave seaman was 'mixing' their latest cd which is how they make the majority of their cash. now, i've no problem with them making money but it's how they do it. they showed seaman 'mixing' the cd - but it was all done by computer with the aid of two technicians. all seaman had to do was cue up the track on a deck, the computer program did the rest. couldn't believe how brazenly this was done (the reporter actually used the word mixed, i was flabbergasted). now, i know most commercial mix cds are done this way, but it makes a joke of the whole concept. the computer does what would would otherwise be physically impossible for the human dj - it achieves perfection.

therefore, ordinary joe soap on the street, who like that kind of music, thinks that seaman is an amazing dj, since, technically, his mix would be flawless. this is a misrepresentation of his talents. many of these mix cds state on the cover that they are digitally mixed, but how many consumers know what this actually means?

so fair play to juan atkins, not afraid to show that he is fallable as dj (which we all are). aspiring djs could actually learn from his mistakes, seaman's cd would be of no benefit to them, imho.

aidan 'have no fear i drink beer' o'doherty
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