
Your friend may be intelligent, but his comments are pretty ignorant. UR is too big because Jaguar is successful? What is there to be shocked about? It's a great track. I'm more shocked that other UR tracks haven't received the attention they deserve from those "outside" the scene.

As far as Mike running UR, he always has. I expect he always will. I've heard rumors about some guy called Cornelius acting as label manager, but that does not mean Mad Mike is no longer running the label, trust me...

Some people enjoy shooting arrows...but they keep missing...

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Arne Weinberg)
Subject: [313] UR quitted?
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 07:13:11 +0200

Hello folks!

I heard a rumour about Mad Mike. Is it true that he wants to stop running UR? Somebody which name doesn´t interest ;-) at the moment said that he was shocked about " Jaguar " being so successful and that he thinks that UR are too " big "
now! Has anybody any further info about it? Maybe Cornelius Harris?
Hopefully it is an rumour!

Cheers, Arne

Arne Weinberg
Propaganda Rec./Groundzero Rec.

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