We need your help.  United Devices has embarked on the most worthy
distributed-computing project to date:  The search for a cancer cure. 
I was in the process of building the Global Dance Culture portal when I
heard about this.  I originally had not planned to make any
announcements related to the collective until the portal was finished
and tested, but when it comes to saving human lives, every second
counts.  The more people we get helping, the more computing power is
added to the project, the faster we find a cure.  Help us out by
following this link:


The Global Dance Culture Collective seeks to improve dance culture by
searching out worthy causes that anybody can participate in.  The idea
is to educate people about the contributions that our culture makes to 
society, and to help people already involved in the culture find ways
that they can improve it for everybody.  I can't think of a better way
to improve the culture's public image than to build a large team of
volunteers who are actively searching for a cancer cure using the idle
time of their computers.

I'd like to see our team become one of the largest united-devices teams
in the world.  The media in the US has many people (especially
lawmakers) convinced that we are all criminals;  that we make
electronic music to sell drugs;  that we spin in the club to sell more
ecstasy, and that our clubs are every city's worst nightmare.  Our goal
is to show them the truth:  That we are socially conscious, responsible
citizens who believe in human rights and quality of living just like
any other citizen.  This project may help us break this positive image
in a big way, and it doesn't cost you anything to lend a hand.

- Dilvie


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