i really don't think FinalScratch is the next level. until it can do things that normal turntables and a mixer can't do, then it hasn't really done anything except make it a little more convenient on the current level.

i'm sorry to say this, but i think the future of DJ'ing will be computers beatmatching for you... which will probably spawn even more uninspired DJ's. but the true testament i guess will be track selection, working of the EQ's, faders, cutting, etc., which is really what it's all about anyway, right? there will still be plenty of room for creativity, and although most of us hate the thought of a computer beatmatching for us (me included), wouldn't it be nice to not worry about it? :) saves the 10-30 seconds or so beatmatching, saves the corrections... could worry more about other things instead.

i think that in addition to the digital sound flie there should be some sort of additional information file... such as BPM's, accurate to the thousandths, and a whole lot of other things that we haven't even thought of yet, in order to do something new with the DJ'ing rather than just emulating a fifty-year old practice.

To: 313@hyperreal.org
Subject: Re: [313] ANyone know about Finalscratch (maybe OT)
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 03:28:55 EDT


i'm new to the list here, but the topic of FinalScratch caught my eye. There
seems to be a lot of worry with people feeling threatened by new technology
and the repercussions one such technology may have on the "vinyl" industry as
a whole.

times are changing, but I myself am a true vinyl addict. there's nothing
better than digging through bins and bins of old records and finding that one
gem. and the same holds true for new vinyl. listening to all the new music
coming out, and then owning it. there's really no words to describe it.

which leads me to mp3's and such. in case anyone hasn't noticed, look at the
number of CD djs that have just popped up over night. Napster, a new
technology, spawned loads of overnight DJs who don't take the time to seek
out the music...rather their form of seeking the music out is by them passing
hot tunes to one another and also downloading them. One record i've been
seeking now for years is a Number of Names 'Sharevari'. Can't find it. But do
a search on Napster...or better yet,  Audiogalaxy. It's there. But owning
some MP3, is that special? It somehow makes it all less exciting downloading
an MP3.

FinalScratch atleast designed a form of technology that allows DJs to play
the MP3 file the way they'd spin a record. And I have to say, that's clever. I'm all for "taking it to the next level" and things of that sort, but is MP3
technology, distribution, and so forth the Final Answer????


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