On 5/27/02 12:56 PM, "Kent williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Radioboy/Herbert was totally mad, destroying products from corporate Icons
> like McDonalds, Gap, and Starbuck. I think he was using the Roland VP sampler,
> live to sample in his acts of mayhem.  His hyperactive, lurching stage
> presence was riveting to watch.

Agreed.  As Radioboy, Herbert may have the most mercurial stage prescence
I've seen.  The delight you feel is the unbridled joy of destroying those
Icons.  To be honest, I disliked the Radioboy material as downloads, but the
tracks really come to life when you see the performance, and realize how
subject to chance the sounds are.

> And Richie Hawtin has nothing on him for
> volume. I had foam plugs in and it was still loud.  I thought something was
> falling from the ceiling and hitting my forhead, but it was the sound from the
> PA hitting my skin.

I'm not too sure about this.  Linda and I managed to score double-sided
passes and crept off to watch Rich from his stage for an hour or so.  I
should have taken you up on the plugs, Kent.

"Control" was the archetypal Richie Hawtin experience.  The smoke and blue
strobes remove your visual sense, the volume effectively renders your ears
useless.  All you're left with is the intensity of the bass, which regulates
your breathing, and Richie deciding when you inhale and exhale.  This forced
surrender was fun for me once, but it left me a little cold last night.
There literally was no tonal content, and very little variation in the
beats.  From my perspective, no real groove or funk.
> Shake was Shake, which is to say a just about perfect musicians' DJ.  He
> was all over the place genre-wise but always with an ear for heartbreakingly
> beautiful melody.

I knew I missed something while I was next door.  Dammit!  Fortunately, when
we left at about 6am, we decided to pop back in to see how Carl was wrapping
things up.  Stevie Wonder's "Another Star" was the perfect antidote for my
mood, and a great melody to have ringing around in your head as the morning
sun illuminates the sewer steam on the drive home through Detroit.

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