it seems many of you were confused by my Swayzak "Electroclash" remark
yesterday. I was refferring to the Swayzak "Dirty Dancing" album on K7. I
dont know much about Swayzak, but I'd heard nothing but praise for them for
the longest time. Imagine my excitement when one day a bunch of new Swayzak
records showed up in my mailbox. I couldnt wait to finally hear what all of
the hoopla was about regarding these guys. I put the records on, and track
after track, nothing but Joy Division sounding stuff. I'm not trying to put
them down or anything, they do have the 80's low-fi production thing down
perfectly, but it's not really my cup of tea. I think I'll just have to wait
this trend out too. I see a lot of "Punk Rock" fashions everywhere these
days and, like electroclash, it rings very hollow, it just sorta feels like
kids playing dressup. What they dont realize is that without the grit and
angst punk rock is just satire.

sean "lived the 80's, no need to recreate them" deason

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