nothing was identified as such. ie. grabbing a mic and
saying 'hey this is my new plastikman track!!' What
woulda been even better is if he followed that by
saying 'yo what's the dealio!!';)

rich ran the gammit with his set. it was smooth
though. I didnt appreciate how smooth it was until the
guy after him went on and sounded incredibly chunky
and unfocused. The guy went from straight up house to
get yer freak on. BUT from what i understand rich is
no stranger to the ipod, so he had that advantage.

he played everything from Yellow, to german glitch and
industrial. I wasn't really in trainspotter mode. so
pardon the complete vagueness. Perhaps it's just
because I wasn't looking out for the new material,
just really paying attention to the scenery and all
the pretty machines that surrounded me.I can tell you
that compared to the guy who followed Rich, Rich's
track selections were perfection from a music geek
standpoint. However there were a lot of ppl there who
could have cared less and boogied more to the guy who
followed then all the glitch/techno dorks dancing for
rich's tracks.

one of the picts i took summed it up nicely. it's
rich's head with the Mac store sign for the "PRO"
section in the foreground.

I'm writing something up on it all for selekta.
hopefully it'll be done soon. now to get my picture
gallery working.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> did he play anything that was identified as new
> plastikman? how was it?
> On Sun, 4 May 2003, diana potts wrote:
> >
> >  For those interested...I took pictures at the
> SoHo
> > iPod release. Rich Hawtin played.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > my personal faves: mac1,mac,mac12,17,19,26,31
> > mostly just for artistic or funny things in the
> back
> > ground. enjoy!
> >
> > diana
> >
> > =====
> > my camera go
> boom:
> > (YahooIM:dianalynn80::aolIM:pottsdia)
> >
> > __________________________________
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