----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Thomas D. Cox, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <313@hyperreal.org>
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 4:41 PM
Subject: (313) dying business? [was: RE: Nu Era on Twisted Funk]

> ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
> From: "Odeluga, Ken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Pleased to see that it's clearly going to be popular (judging
> from the
> >responses I got and the number of places which are going to stock
> it -
> >around the world). Is this *really* a dying business?!
> i know from talking to a couple detroit house cats that their
> records are all pressed at one place and that theres pretty much a
> long line to get stuff pressed up. stuff seems to be selling out
> pretty quick too. so who knows.

I think there's mixed indicators. While you have the death of some major
distributors this year, I read an article in the Metro the other day
(granted, not the most reliable source) that vinyl sales have increased in
2003 (I think in the UK) for the first time in however many years. The
article atributed it to a renewed interest in guitar-based music in
teenagers, which I thought was a pretty strange explanation! More than
anything, I think there's been a lot of hurt in techno, and a lot of health
in house, broken beat (Goya *must* be doing great), downtempo stuff and
underground hip hip. This doesn't *necessarilly* say anything about the
quality of the releases, of course. I know some of the best techno labels
seem to be fighting an uphill battle to move records, but I think that's
probably a result of lots of people who have been into techno losing
interest in shopping for it as their tastes generally diverge into other
things. I know I stopped looking for a while, and certainly stopped buying,
but as the momentum has been picking back up in techno, so has my


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