I'm dismayed to hear that there were no bikers Sam!

On Tue, 2004-03-16 at 20:28 -0800, Sam K wrote:
> yeah i saw him Adelaide
> a very bizzare gig to say the least and all for 5 bucks.....it was
> outside under the stars.......his support was a flamenco band, a kinda
> avante garde fashion show and a comedy romote control robot dog showing
> off its balls.......theo played very deep and all over the place (in a
> good way)....the crowd was very mixed, it ranged from two elderly
> aboriginal women lovin it at the front...to a dismayed raver girl who
> yelled out what the f%ck is this after theo plyed half an hour of
> jazz...then there was the sms girls with there very drunk boyfriends
> getting in the way of all the groovers... oh yeah and lots of groovers. 
> Theo looked pretty tired so the set was a more subdued affair. 

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