alex -

i just moved here this summer.  great country, very vibrant music scene and
subscenes, lots of good clubs, very difficult to communicate and assimilate
if you are a westerner, but everyone generally very friendly and polite.
heinously expensive to do just about anything other than eat at mcdonalds or
drink beer from a vending machine.

best tokyo clubs on the techno / 313 tip:

yellow (saw 3 chairs spin there a few weekends ago)
womb (mills weekly residency started last week)
liquid room
maniac love

there are a LOT of big clubs, which pull huge crowds even at 3000Y - 5000Y
door charges.

many cool techno mags, but as most of them are in japanese, i don't know the
names.  metropolis is the english language weekly which hypes most of the
local events.

let me know if i can help you at all.


Jeff Davis             fon: 81.3.5114.3771
[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>     fax: 866.489.6463
                       cel: 81.90.6031.9369

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, October 11, 2004 10:57 PM
Subject: (313) Japan

It's one of those days where I just rattle on to myself.
Oh well.

Anyway, can anyone help me?

Have you ever been to Japan?

What are the music magazines that do techno reviews in Japan?

What are the large clubs there?
I notice that club "womb" seems to have been going for a while. Are there
other big techno clubs?

Can anyone help?



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