Here, yes! A lot of people in the industry. That was the main criticism - it
seemed to reinforce the link.
Promoters were sensitive about what seemed to be happening in the US.
Funny when I was allowed on I was given a censored script so I couldn't leak
spoilers but, from that, I guessed it was a Romeo & Juliet style tragedy
drug purge.
I wouldn't have put that in the story anyway as I am respectful. This was 2
years before it came out.
I'd love to know what people OS think. We're all maybe too close.
For a first time director it was actually very promising as a film - leaving
aside the ideology. I'm in awe of someone who can do that.
The whole dance community was invited to be a part of it. I mean Melbourne
is v close knit at the best of times. They shot a lot of scenes at special
parties and brought in rival promoters.
My thing was that the rave moment had past. I found it a bit dated. If it
came out 5 years ago, or 10...
The Age ran a glowing five star review but it was the sort of film people
who never go to parties like.
Richie got some very cool people on the soundtrack - they licensed tracks by
Laurent and co - but I think when they brought in Anton - who was Baz' music
director - it went awry as Anton didn't really understand the dance culture
and was open on that. That big single would be cute in Moulin Rouge but not
in OPD.
These kind of films have to pre-empt the moment, not cover it 5 years too
late. They could have held off another five years and called it retro I
guess. ;)

>To: "Cyclone Wehner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: (313) One Perfect Day
>Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2005 1:34 AM

>>Visually it looks great but I feel that many here in the local scene had
>>ideological problems with the way drugs were represented in the film.
> Has anyone voiced their concern/opinion about this?

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