you guys are great, really. but this is almost as bad
as 100 emails at the end of the day on jeff mills.

 for the record: one of the last things I needed in my
life was images of Madonna dry h*mping almost
EVERYTHING in site.(see video)

--- robin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Perhaps. But there's a lot of sexism in the way
> Madonna is described as
> > "old".... they don't say those things in relation
> to Bowie, who's also
> > delved into dance styles... If you survey the
> popular press, you pick 
> > it up.
> you might be right. but bowie isn't cavorting around
> on a stage having 
> simulated sex with a load of dancers while he
> performs a disco record 
> is he?
> forgive my's been a long day.
> and the dubious attitudes of the popular press are
> precisely why i 
> don't read such publications.
> robin...

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