I saw him in Berlin when you were over there, but you went somewhere
else that night didn't you?


-----Original Message-----
Sent: 10 October 2006 15:03
To: 313@Hyperreal.Org
Subject: RE: (313) London 21st-24th

>Henrik Schwarz is playing Plastic People on November 23 as well, but 
>that's a Thursday. I'll be sure to let you know how it went when I'm in

>Manchester on the 24th . :)

Arghhhh you had me going as I started to read this.  Ever since I went
mega-enthusiastic about him on here after he played Manchester near a
year ago I've been fated not to see him again.  Last time I was in
Berlin we flew in Friday and he'd been on on Thursday and I was gutted.
Now on Saturday I have to choose between 3 Chairs at an interesting new
gaff just round the corner from my house or getting on the train to
Liverpool (with probably no train back till 7 in the morning) to see him
- at a gig with
Soulwax/2 many DJs              :-(

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