On Tue, 12 Nov 2002, logic7 wrote:

> FS requires a true linux partition, not a virtual one, it adds a bootloader
> to the MBR so one can boot to either FS/Linux or Windows. It's not an
> embedded linux either, it's more like a mini distribution.

Not so.  FS 1.0 installs itself into a ~300MB c:\finalscratch\fsrun.img
which it then mounts as the root using the loopback driver from initrd.
It's just an image file, not it's own partition.

As for getting it to work on the mac, it's extremely unlikely it'd ever
work unless they released a mac version, which would be fairly easy for
them to do (assumming that the final scratch and recordboxing apps
themselves are fairly portable across architechtures).

i wouldn't hold my breath, though.


  Jeffrey Paul      -datavibe-      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 aim: x736e65616b   phone: 130*21*16749 or 877-748-3467

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