kent, if using outlook or the like, prepare a standard "sig" with the info you wish to convey.

then its a matter of hitting crtl-f, insert sig, send.


----- Original Message ----- From: "kent williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "list 313" <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 10:44 AM
Subject: (313) Administrativa: Plain Text Reminders etc

First off, I've tried to inform anyone who has had a message bounce.
Given how EZMLM works, this amounts to me going through a folder and
manually forwarding messages back to the sender, after scanning the
header for the 'From:' address.   Since this is a repetitive  task
that is nevertheless exacting, I don't relish doing it a lot. The 30
seconds it takes me to forward each bounce adds up, and it's a part of
my life I can never get back.

So the last thing you should do before pressing 'send' (right after
you scan your message for comments that will needlessly start a
pointless sh*tstorm) is check to make sure you're sending a plain text
message.  This saves me the 30 seconds it takes me to find your e-mail
address in the message headers and forward the bounced message to you.

I've had people complain about the plain text policy, but it isn't
going to change. Being on this mailing list means you have to learn
how to take basic control of your mail client, and not depend on
yellow on white italic strikethrough text to make your point.  It's
not that high a bar to get over, and you'll be the better person for

Second off, there is some policy about self-promotional spam on the
hyperreal 313 page, which hasn't been updated in several years, so let
me summarize: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law, as long
as you can avoid being annoying.  This isn't something I've had to do
anything about since I became the active admin, so keep up the good
work.   The rule of thumb should be: post an announcement once, and if
you're hyping your music, figure out a way to let people hear at least
a sample of it.   Just announcing a vinyl release that will probably
be difficult to acquire for most of the people on the list won't
really net you the sort of attention you desire.

If you're announcing an event that is directly relevant to Detroit
techno it's OK to post a notice well in advance, and then a reminder
when the event is imminent.

Third: After the recent unpleasantness I think it is the better part
of valor for me not to try and intervene in food fights, unless they
get really bad.  That means that self-policing should be the rule. If
someone annoys you consistently, put them in your killfile.  Now that
a certain Steeler fan has left the list, no doubt things will be more
peaceful, but just be on notice, I no longer wish to be a referee. I
will be reading everything, and in extreme cases may have a word.  But
in general, y'all on your own, and so long as everyone behaves with a
modicum of civility things should be fine.

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