i agree with Greg.
all those acts on terrific sound systems for 3 days in downtown detroit? forget about it; 40 dollars is a steal

----- Original Message ----- From: "Frank Glazer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "313 Mailing List" <313@hyperreal.org>
Sent: Friday, May 30, 2008 11:57 PM
Subject: Re: Re: (313) Festival IX

End of story.

It just happened to be a "free festival" at the start until someone
realized, "Hey, we're losing our shirts here without people paying
something."  That's Reality, kids.  Whining about the price at this
point and how it was a "free festival" just makes you sound like a
g0dd&mned Hippie.  :)

  - Greg

sure, it's cheap for privileged white people from outside the inner
city, but the original intention of the festival (for detroit people,
by detroit people) is entirely lost when you charge more than $5-10.
what i don't get is why they need to charge at all when there is so
much sponsorship money being thrown at it by beatport, pioneer, red
bull, vitamin water, etc.  those sponsorships should pay for
everything if you ask me.

granted, the production values (sound, lights, staging, backstaging)
have gone up dramatically, but so what?  to what end?  so that
"Paxahau really looked after the artists, press and workers behind the
scenes by offering top quality catering and free drinks for all.
Even the cops got buffet lunch and dinners."

Great.  Charge $50 so you can cater, literally, to the superstar djs.
What bullpucky!!

Still, I'd have gone if I had had the $$.  :P



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