> -----Original Message-----
> From: kent williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 02 June 2008 18:47
> Cc: David Powers; list 313
> Subject: Re: (313) reporting from Tokyo...... Theo
> This should be said: Techno is a lot bigger than 
> Berlin-minimal, and one could remain a Techno DJ and never 
> touch a track from Richie or Magda's USB drive.  There are 
> many DJs -- Claude Young, Dan Bell, Rob Hood, Buzz Goree, Ken 
> & Karl Meier, Alan Oldham, Mike Huckaby  come immediately to 
> mind -- who stay more on the techno side of the fence and 
> still manage to do interesting, dynamic, butt-moving sets.
> And of course, all of the people mentioned above will drop a 
> house record if it fits what they're doing.

What I'm finding interesting is that it's not just that mnml DJs are
changing their tune(s) but that promoters are booking guests who would have
been outside of their comfort zone 18 months ago. For instance the Run
parties here in London were ostensibly quite mnml (and/or minimal) and now
they have Alton Miller booked for their next party. I really wouldn't have
seen that coming. Have a look at their past guests and you'll see what I
mean: http://www.runsounds.com/events/

Another thing that I think might be unique about this is that it's a younger
crowd who are now being fed unapologetic deep house. And quality older house
as well. This trend has nothing to do with being the most current (yet). God
knows in what horrible way this will get compartmentalised and repackaged
over the next year or two if the trend persists, but it's an interesting
moment Right Now, for whatever that's worth. 

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