Well at least it is wiser than giving such honnor to some other French DJ like David Guetta ...

About his agent, err, I thought this was a taboo topic ?


kent williams a écrit :
What with all the time Mills spends in France, and the fact that his
long-time manager is French, and the French predilection for banging
techno*... don't they already refer to him as 'notre Jeff Mills?'  For
a country that's made an art form of 'Le Cynicisme' the French do like
their heroes.

On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 4:25 PM, KiDD*e <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Jeff Mills @ The Centre Pompidou, for the Futurism exhibition :

And yesterday @ la Géode, "The Rings Of Saturn " was shown :

In this article's last paragraph it's even written that at the end of the
year, Mr Mills will receive the French Légion d'honneur decoration !
Waw already the "Obama Effect", the french people is in the good phase of
its "i love you neither do i" relationship with the USA.
Haha :)


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