On 11/14/2013 12:05 PM, Roberto Polli wrote:
Hi Thierry,

my consideration follows (a github-like platform with inline comments would be
really welcome)!

= method naming and placement =
1- I would use the following convention: if a method setup a functionality
adding various entries to the tree, I would name it "setup" and hopefully
should be placed DSAdminTools.

Hi Roberto,

Sorry for this late feedback.
I agree that 'setup' is commonly used to prepare/initialize a functionality. Now I would prefer verbs of action/unaction like create/delete, enable/disable, set/get/list. With 'setup' verb we may create entries, enable functionality, set properties. If we have a function setupAgreement (that creates the RA and enables it by default) what is the name for the function that delete the agreement 'deleteAgreement' ?

So far DSAdmintools mainly contains offline functions (like start/stop instance). I agree we can put setup functions in it. But I wonder if it would be interesting to keep all offline functions in a separated file.
2- methods like  _createDefaultReplMgr are not expected to be used in
production, so should be placed in the DSAdminTools section
I am not sure. If someone wants to rapidly deploy a replication topology, he would be interested to have a default replication manager. In that case we may offer 'createDefaultReplMgr' (without heading '_'). In your opinion what kind of functions would go into DSAdminTools ? all 'setupxxx' functions ?
3- the brooker naming convention is based on the "function-first" so that
python interactive users can tab and autocomplete it.
  initAgreement should be renamed to something like agreement_init or something
else. For the return codes, simply use exceptions.
ok. So do you prefer names like 'replica_create', 'suffix_create', 'agreement_create', rather than 'createReplica', 'createSuffix', 'createAgreement' ? Ok I will change the name.

= exception handling & None return =
1- in case of errors, a method should raise a proper exception and eventually
log the error
2- so the assert clauses should be replaced by exception because they mean
that something went wrong and an action should be taken
3- about the bindmethod stuff: see http://pastebin.com/w0WnVQuJ

Absolutely, I will change the error handling. In addition, exception makes most of the time the code easier to read.

I will resend a review according to you suggestions.


There are some other points but the best way to set them is with patches.

Let me know + Peace,
On Wednesday 13 November 2013 17:06:25 thierry bordaz wrote:
In order to implement the first CI test with replication instances, I
reorganised lib389 functions  related to replication setup.


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