Hi Everybody!

First of all Happy New Year, hope it will be filled of fun!

I am really sorry for not supporting you for so long, but as I told you I 
can't still spend too much extra-work time coding :(.

I saw the evolution of the library and I'm glad of the new functionalities and 
the split-up of the brooker in various files. 

On the other hand I think that the new interface changes don't go on the 
simplicity/usability path, so I'd like to understand your targets and give 
some suggestions.

On Thursday 12 December 2013 21:58:12 thierry bordaz wrote:
> Ticket https://fedorahosted.org/389/ticket/47625 changes the interface
> of DirSrv.
> This ticket is the porting side of the test cases to the new interface

1- The new interface initialization is substantially different from a standard 
client-server interface. A user expects to instantiate objects like this:
 # client =  Telnet(host, port, credential)

2- This is quite the behavior of the LDAPObject superclass, which I would like 
to retain so that we can use fakeldaps for unittest

3-  The standard DirSrv.__init__ (and the same is valid for other methods), 
containing a set of parameters is intrinsically documented. Shifting core 
parameters in dictionaries:
 a- de-documents parameters and default values outside the method signature;
 b- requires parsing and setting of default values;
 Python allows to retain the dict-style stuff using the **magic, which I would 
embrace in this case.

The new Interface Layer would be easily implemented in a subclass.

Let me know + Peace (and sorry again for my absence),

> https://fedorahosted.org/389/attachment/ticket/47628/0001-Ticket-47628-port-> 
> testcases-to-new-DirSrv-interface.patch

Roberto Polli
Community Manager
Babel S.r.l. - http://www.babel.it - una business unit di Par-Tec S.p.A.
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