Hi William,

I think this case is covered in IPA. I have never seen a new replica added
with the same former ID of an old one.

The former ruvs are not cleaned automatically, though, in current versions
and it's not a very severe issue now. There are also ipa commands to list
and clean the ruvs.

I have also heard or read that in the dev versions (not still delivered),
the cleaning is automatic, as you are proposing.

Thanks a lot.



On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 7:21 AM, William Brown <wibr...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I was discussing with some staff here in BNE about replication.
> It seems a common case is that admins with 2 or 3 servers in MMR (both DS
> and IPA) will do this:
> * Setup all three masters A, B, C (replica id 1,2,3 respectively)
> * Run them for a while in replication
> * Remove C from replication
> * Delete data, change the system
> * Re-add C with the same replica id.
> Supposedly this can cause duplicate RUV entries for id 3 in masters A and
> B. Of course, this means that replication has all
> kinds of insane issues at this point ....
> On one hand, this is the admins fault. But on the other, we should handle
> this. Consider an admin who re-uses an IPA replica
> setup file, without running CLEANALLRUV
> So, an have some idea for this. Any change to a replication agreement,
> should trigger a CLEANALLRUV, before we start the
> agreement. This means on our local master we have removed the bad RUV
> first, then we can add the RUV of the newly added master
> when needed ....
> What do you think? I think that we must handle this better, and it should
> be a non-issue to admins.
> We can't prevent an admin from intentionally adding duplicate ID's to the
> topology though. So making it so that the ID's are not
> admin controlled would prevent this, but I haven't any good ideas about
> this  (yet)
> --
> Sincerely,
> William Brown
> Software Engineer
> Red Hat, Brisbane
> --
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