
Hey, I'm sure you guys are tired of folks asking this question but
I've spent the last day searching the InterWebs and still have

I'm fixing to switch from openldap/slapd to 389 for ldap
authentication for linux and samba clients.  I want to run the 389 dir
service on the same system as slapd.

- Is the switch as simple as turning on the 389 server, turning off
  slapd, and importing my user account objects into 389 via a ldif?

- If I'm only using slapd for "standard" login accounts and passwords,
  do I still need to import any schemas from slapd?  (It looks like
  389 has the same basic schemas)

- I've used slapcat and ldapsearch to create ldif files of my user
  objects.  Do I need to munge these ldif entries in order to import
  them into 389?

- I didnt see specific instructions for enabling and turning on the
  web admin interface for 389.  Is it turned on automatically when I
  start 389 server?

- Is the switch transparent to linux/unix ldap clients or will I need
  to go re-configure them?



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