On 02/17/2017 07:42 AM, Winstanley, Anthony wrote:

It was set to the default (4000). I set it to 700000, and now both searches are fast (initial run time 3 seconds, then instant). And the server logs don't show any 'notes=?' for either search.

But… that's not what the docs say to do?


Glad to hear it improved the performance.

BTW, please refer a newer Doc. There are lots of enhancements and bug fixes since the RHDS8.2 time frame...

RHDS 10 Performance Tuning Guide

   5.3. Setting Index Scan Limits

In large directories, the search results list can get huge. A directory with a million |inetorgperson| entries would have a million entries that were returned with a filter like |(objectclass=inetorgperson)|, and an index for the /|sn|/ attribute would have at least a million entries in it. Loading a long ID list from the database significantly reduces search performance. *The configuration parameter, **|nsslapd-idlistscanlimit|**, sets a limit on the number of IDs that are read before a key is considered to match the entire primary index (meaning the search is treated as an unindexed search with a different set of resource limits). *

So basically, setting nsslapd-idlistscanlimit big tells the server to NOT revert to unindexed search, and indexed search makes me happy in this case.

But why is unindexed search on ou=PEOPLE so much faster than on ou=STUDENTS,ou=RECORDS?

If you get the entire 70000 ou=PEOPLE entries, it'd also take long time, I'd think. If the search goes to the unindexed search, it scans all the entries in the database one by one and checks if it satisfies the search condition. Probably, OU=PEOPLE entries are put at the older part of the database (having lower entry id's) and OU=STUDENTS entries are placed after that (with higher entry id's)? If that's the case, you cannot get the OU=STUDENTS entries unless you finish scanning OU=PEOPLE entries.

If indexed, you don't have to scan them but get the entry id list via indexes.

Hope it helps.

Or should I not care what the answer to that question is and just set nsslapd-idlistscanlimit to a million and be happy?

Thanks for your help,


*From:*Noriko Hosoi [mailto:nho...@redhat.com]
*Sent:* Thursday, February 16, 2017 5:16 PM
*To:* 389-users@lists.fedoraproject.org
*Subject:* [389-users] Re: elapsed time gremlin


What is the value set to nsslapd-idlistscanlimit?

$ ldapsearch -x -LLL -H ldaps://ldap.example.com:636 -b 'cn=config,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config' -D cn=Directory\ Manager -w password -s base nsslapd-idlistscanlimit

If it is less than 6000, could you increase it to some large number, e.g., 700000, and retry the searches?


On 02/16/2017 04:54 PM, Winstanley, Anthony wrote:


    I'm hoping somebody can tell me where I might look to find why
    this is happening…

    We're running 389-Directory/ B2014.300.2010

    I have two ldapsearch queries that only vary in searchbase, one
    which is taking too long. (Times don't vary much with consecutive

    ou=PEOPLE has just under 700,000 entries. Search takes 0-3 seconds.

    ou=STUDENTS,ou=RECORDS has just under 6000 entries. Search takes
    123-126 seconds.

    There are no attributes used in ou=STUDENTS,ou=RECORDS that aren't
    also used in ou=PEOPLE.

    Two sample executions and log output:

    [user@workstation ~]$ ldapsearch -x -LLL -H
    ldaps://ldap.example.com:636 -b
    ou=STUDENTS,ou=RECORDS,dc=example,dc=com -D cn=Directory\ Manager
    -w password -s one -z 5 'cn=*' dn

    … 5 entries returned …

    [user@workstation ~]$

    [root@server slapd-ldap1]# grep conn=33505 access

    [16/Feb/2017:16:31:37] conn=33505 fd=96 slot=96 SSL connection
    from IP1 to IP2

    [16/Feb/2017:16:31:37] conn=33505 SSL 256-bit AES

    [16/Feb/2017:16:31:37] conn=33505 op=0 BIND dn="cn=Directory
    Manager" method=128 version=3

    [16/Feb/2017:16:31:37] conn=33505 op=0 RESULT err=0 tag=97
    nentries=0 etime=0 dn="cn=directory manager"

    [16/Feb/2017:16:31:37] conn=33505 op=1 SRCH
    base="ou=STUDENTS,ou=RECORDS,dc=example,dc=com" scope=1
    filter="(cn=*)" attrs="distinguishedName"

    [16/Feb/2017:16:33:40] conn=33505 op=1 RESULT err=4 tag=101
    nentries=5 etime=123 notes=A

    [16/Feb/2017:16:33:40] conn=33505 op=2 UNBIND

    [16/Feb/2017:16:33:40] conn=33505 op=2 fd=96 closed - U1

    [root@server slapd-ldap1]#

    [user@workstation ~]$ ldapsearch -x -LLL -H
    ldaps://ldap.example.ca:636 -b ou=PEOPLE,dc=example,dc=com -D
    cn=Directory\ Manager -w password -s one -z 5 'cn=*' dn

    … 5 entries returned …

    [user@workstation ~]$

    [root@server slapd-ldap1]# grep conn=33578 access

    [16/Feb/2017:16:38:43] conn=33578 fd=96 slot=96 SSL connection
    from to

    [16/Feb/2017:16:38:44] conn=33578 SSL 256-bit AES

    [16/Feb/2017:16:38:44] conn=33578 op=0 BIND dn="cn=Directory
    Manager" method=128 version=3

    [16/Feb/2017:16:38:44] conn=33578 op=0 RESULT err=0 tag=97
    nentries=0 etime=1 dn="cn=directory manager"

    [16/Feb/2017:16:38:44] conn=33578 op=1 SRCH
    base="ou=PEOPLE,dc=example,dc=com" scope=1 filter="(cn=*)"

    [16/Feb/2017:16:38:44] conn=33578 op=1 RESULT err=4 tag=101
    nentries=5 etime=0 notes=A

    [16/Feb/2017:16:38:44] conn=33578 op=2 UNBIND

    [16/Feb/2017:16:38:44] conn=33578 op=2 fd=96 closed - U1

    [root@server slapd-ldap1]#

    Help? This is driving me nuts… Where can I look to find out why
    this might be happening?




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