On Mon, 2017-09-11 at 09:30 -0300, Alberto Viana wrote:
> Ludwig/William,
> *As a follow up, please don't use targetattr!=userPassword. This exposes*
> *a *lot* of internal system attributes to the user object in question.*
> *It's much better if you limit this to just the attributes required like:*
> *=> * Thanks for the tip, I will do that.
> *So I just have a wild guess. I think you anonymized the aci for this post
> using "test-user" and "dc=my,dc=domain". could you verify that you haven't
> a typo in the real aci for the userdn ?*
> *=> *You were right, there was a typo in my userdn, now everything is
> working as expected.
> Thanks a lot for you both.

Glad that you solved it, and that it's all working! Happy to help out,


William Brown
Software Engineer
Red Hat, Australia/Brisbane

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